The ergonomics aspect of human computer interaction

29/06/2020 Views : 1900

Ida Bagus Alit Swamardika

Computer software engineering is the process of producing interface products between humans and computers that are able to provide the expected change in mindset. The aspects of cognitive ergonomics in software engineering need to be examined and traced through various studies and findings from experts because these references can be utilized in computer programming. Ergonomics design is the use of information about humans, physical and mental characteristics, capabilities and limitations, in designing tools, equipment, machinery, work, tasks, system completion, for humans and the environment with a holistic approach, to achieve the most optimal and maximum human body functions both physically and mentally.

From the results of the study of several references that discuss the findings of experts around cognitive ergonomics related to the software engineering, found several obstacles that need to solve holistically such as software engineering have not realized how important it is to include aspects of ergonomics in the design created; cost factors, user willingness, the willingness of funders and artistic dominance often confuse the design of the software to be created; Determination of software design is sometimes only studied based on one aspect and is not studied holistically and interdisciplinary and does not involve the user.

Speaking of ergonomics problems in software, it is inseparable from other disciplines namely Computer Science, Cognitive Psychology, Social Sciences, Business, Graphic Design, and Ergonomics. In its application, all of these disciplines produce a new concept called Human-Computer Interaction which studies how humans interact with computers including tasks that bind between the two.

In human-computer interaction, a piece of software can be judged from several factors, namely: User Friendly: the system must be designed for convenience; Error Free: even though it may not be 100% error-free, the error rate is still within the reasonable limits to be used; Consider the user's ability to information technology; User error tolerance and availability of various other options for user needs.

To achieve results with these criteria, the software must be designed according to need. Users are placed at the interface level and not at the process level. Therefore the interface must be designed informatively and include various elements so that users are able to make the most of computer resources.

The interaction system  translates between what the user wants and the existing system. As an illustration that if a user wants to make a computer sentence, then the user must first know what program can be used to write the word. If the user does not know what program to use, there will be a misunderstanding between the user and the system. The relationship between the user and the computer is bridged by the interface.

Attention in knowledge and mental models in the perspective of Human-Computer Interaction is based on the idea that by understanding what users know about the system and their consideration of how the system functions, it is possible to estimate the time needed to learn, the likelihood of errors and the ease that users get in finish the job. Analysis of the process that the user goes through, so as to gain confidence, run the system correctly, and it is hoped that an interface can be designed to support user acquisition correctly.

To find out the usefulness of an application, a test is usually known as a usability test. Usability tests are implemented in order to create software that places the user at the center or core of the process of designing a system. Usability tests combine the desires and needs of users in using the system to be designed. Software by implementing the usability principle gives the possibility that the devices made are easy to use by users.

There is a slogan about the importance of usability, namely: "don't work, make the software usable", in the sense of making software as easy and as useful as possible for users by applying the usability principles and paying attention to the main tasks of users in a piece of software so that when the user uses the software as if the software is working for the user, not the user who is working for the software. By paying attention to the things that users are doing, the usability principle can be implemented in various software and system development.