04/07/2020 Views : 259





               During the covid-19 pandemic, this condition was risky, especially the spread of the virus. Traditional markets have become a cluster of virus spread. Not only in Bali but throughout Indonesia. New cases continue to be found in traditional markets. More worrying in general, sufferers in the traditional market do not show any symptoms aka OTG (people without symptoms). According to the Daily Chair of the Covid-19 Task Force in Bali Province Dewa Made Indra traditional markets currently dominate local transmission reaching 59.08% of the cases in Bali. For this reason, the government has taken action in the form of a swab test in the Badung Market cluster, there are 19 residents undergoing a swab, there are 45 residents in the Kumbasari Market cluster and 2 residents in the Gunung Agung cluster. Then closing the merchant stalls that are positively exposed to covid-19 and closing a 10-meter radius from the stall traders is quite effective than closing the market for 14 days to prevent wider spread.

               One market that is considered to have been a cluster of covid-19 distribution is the Kumbasari Market. In this market 18 people from 45 traders who were swabbed last week showed positive results of Covid-19. For this reason, the Denpasar City government has taken action by closing the market, then cleaning, sterilizing and asking traders to conduct independent isolation in an orderly manner.

Badung Market as one of the biggest traditional markets in Bali which is located opposite the Kumbasari Market, of course must take preventative measures to minimize the spread of viruses in this market. This paper outlines the steps taken by the Badung Market Manager in addressing this condition in order to provide protection for sellers and buyers in this market.




A. Provision of Handwashing Facilities


               Before entering the Badung Market, buyers and traders can clean their hands throughout the Badung Market yard. Managers provide a variety of hand washing facilities that are equipped with cleaning soap in all parts. Placement of hand washing facilities in strategic locations near the center of the community movement makes it easy for buyers and traders to wash their hands regularly. Thus the spread of viruses in this market is more controlled. The place for washing hands vary greatly in form and material. There are in the form of tanks or water reservoirs made of plastic or deliberately made for hand washing with a touch of local materials. This last form is more attractive than a plastic reservoir because it matches the look of the market building.


B. Provision of disinfectants at market entrances


               Before entering the market, visitors must go through a disinfectant cabin which is operationalized by the market manager. This cabin is located at all market entrances. But the operation of this cabin is not done every time. Only at certain times when visitors are judged to be disorderly. If visitors have washed their hands before entering the market and using masks, the cabin is not used. So not all visitors are sprayed with disinfectants before entering the market.


C. Physical separator between seller and buyer


               Since covid-19 positive market traders have been discovered, market managers have created a dividing curtain that physically limits buyers and sellers but is still visually connected. Through this transparent curtain from the communication, communication between the seller and the buyer can take place, but the goal to prevent transmission is also achieved.

D. Making distance signs for the buyer

To implement the concept of maintaining distance between civitas, the manager has made restrictions that regulate the position between civitas. These restrictions are in the form of a cross as a position that should not be occupied either in a chair, in front of the booth or stall. The cross is made red. On a chair from masking tape that is crossed on a chair so it cannot be occupied. In front of the stall or stall is made on the floor. In theory, if all people obeyed following this sign there would not be a mass crowd that violated the health protocol.


E. Crowd control

In addition to providing infrastructure, the management of the Badung Market also mobilizes its staff to always go around outside and inside the building to control the crowd. If found the tendency of violations they will warn, when there is a crowd of people they disperse. This staff is in strategic places where there tends to be a mass crowd or centers of movement. In addition to using physical staff to control the crowd, the manager also regularly announces distance warnings through an audio system that can be heard by the entire community. The market is also equipped with CCTV but it is unclear whether it is also used for this purpose.




               The first obstacle is the behavior of the trader. Some traders still place their wares in the circulation room of visitors so as to reduce the space that has been calculated for the smooth circulation of buyers. As a result of these conditions, the distance between the buyer and the person who circulates becomes very narrow so that physical distancing is not reached. This condition has been going on even before the covid disaster occurred. But managers do not use certain strategies to deal with it so that it continues over and over

               The next obstacle is buyer behavior. Buyers who pile up especially in the morning or on holidays cause crowds at certain points in the market. Even though it has been given a warning, but buyers who can not wait to queue in an orderly manner, resulting in a buildup of masses that endanger all members of the community.


               Last is the obstacle of the management. Utilization of circulation space by traders should be overcome because it has been going on for a long time. The crowd has also been happening for a long time at a certain point due to the narrowing of the circulation space. The authorities should be able to control these conditions so that the goal of reducing transmission of the bus can be achieved. Utilization of various market facilities and infrastructure should be able to maximize the control. CCTV can be used to monitor problems that arise, audio systems are used to warn if there is a mass gathering, staff can be mobilized if warnings are not heeded, regulations can be enforced if all of these devices are not obeyed.



               Badung Market Management has provided adequate facilities and infrastructure to stop the transmission of the covid-19 virus. However, various obstacles, both from traders, buyers and management, create several problems that still allow the spread of the virus to continue. Crowd still occurs at several points at certain times. The use of circulation to display merchandise, and the lack of maximizing the means owned by the market to control the crowd is a problem that should not happen again. Discipline and cooperation from all parties are important so that the goal of stopping the transmission of Covid-19 is a key word for achieving this goal.