Bind construction for "Tetaring" as a temporary building in Bali

29/07/2020 Views : 261



Building Construction is one of the elements created to make a building strong and safe to be used as a container for human activities. The role of structure and construction in architecture is metaphoric in that the architect's ideas are realized into a physical formation (LaVine, 2001, xviii). The role of technology in architecture has a very important role. The process of architecture formation is very much influenced by the technology controlled by the people. According to LaVine there are several arguments relating to technology and architecture, namely: (a) The use of technology in architecture is very unique because it is habitational, highly dependent on the place where the architecture was developed, (b) Because it is habituional, then the main task of architecture is to provide a place to stay for people safely in various ways that are needed, (c) Because humans really understand the conditions of the place symbolically or literally / directly, then architectural technology is needed to create a, (d) understanding the symbolic nature of nature as values and literal as a measurable activity, (e) Architectural technology provides metaphorical ideas through forms of technology that determine nature symbolically into a place of human life, (f) This metaphor was born from a sensual understanding of nature as a felt force (LaVine, .2001, xviii)

Temporary buildings are known in almost all countries or almost all people have activities that require temporary buildings, such as for exhibitions, for performances and other activities. This temporary building is intended to accommodate temporary activities and after the activity is completed, this building will be demolished like an exhibition building (Bruckermann and Alberdi, 2010: 1). The fundamental difference possessed by temporary buildings in Bali is the meaning and value contained in temporary buildings in Bali, the materials used and the construction process. Temporary buildings in the West usually use modular manufacturing materials so that they are easy to build and dismantle and can be built quickly

 Writing about traditional Balinese architecture may have been done a lot, but writing about temporary buildings for religious ceremonial activities in Bali has not been done much, such as the writing of Nyoman Gede in the Bali Architecture Library about Balinese architectural construction discussing a bit about tetaring (Mangde, 2008: 56). The topic of temporary buildings is interesting because it has several uniqueness including having the freedom to create very broad forms, having interesting expressions, being able to create a certain atmosphere, and being one of the signs that there is a religious ceremony being held at the place.

The Balinese are known for having various ceremonial activities, from simple ceremonial activities on a daily scale to activities that involve many people. Ceremonial activities are carried out at the level of a house, in a village, or held in a holy place or temple. Almost all ceremonial activities require additional temporary buildings that are made to provide shelter for people who take part in the ceremonial procession. This temporary building is called a tetaring. These temporary buildings generally use ikat construction with materials from bamboo and woven palm leaves or other organic material as roofing.

Tetaring is usually built when there is a large religious ceremony and the procession of the ceremony requires a rather long time between three days to three months. As for simple ceremonies, the community does not build tetaring. This tetaring is usually built several days before the ceremony, because its function is also to overshadow the people who work under it. Apart from that the tetaring also functions as a sign / sign of an ongoing religious ceremony.

 Tetaring has two functions when it is associated with the process of ceremonial activities, namely (a) profane function to shade the ceremonial participants from the heat of the sun or as a venue for dances that are part of the ceremonial procession, and (b) sacred functions, namely buildings used to place ceremonial facilities and usually have various symbols which are the expression of religious values. Overall this temporary building has a very strong influence to create a festival atmosphere, because this temporary building will be equipped with various decorations of palm leaves, palm leaves or cloth with a certain color. The festive atmosphere of the festival is one sign that the place was held at a religious ceremony

Temporary Buidng

The terminology of temporary buildings in Bali and temporary buildings in western knowledge is very different. From the western point of view, traditional and vernacular buildings are generally considered temporary buildings because they use organic materials that do not have long durability. Temporary buildings in Bali are more widely used to accommodate religious ceremonial activities and other supporting activities. Religious ceremonies in Bali are not merely spiritual ritual activities, but are also social cultural activities. In religious activities there is a merging of religious activities with social interaction, performing arts activities and other supporting activities. All of these activities require a temporary container and are used during religious ceremonies, and after the activity is completed the building will be demolished again.

The function of temporary buildings is more as a shelter for the people who carry out the activities under it. Shade from the sun's heat. With a roof covering made of woven coconut leaves, this building cannot be used as a rain barrier, because there are holes between the plaits. In traditional societies there is still a great deal of trust in metaphysical power. The use of klangsah / woven palm leaves for religious ceremonies carried out is believed to be one way to ward off magical powers that want to damage or disrupt the ceremony procession. Beliefs like this are difficult to prove but are still strongly attached to the Balinese people.

 The sacred building serves as a place of worship and places offerings for ceremonies. This building is called a sanggar tawang. This building uses four pillars and a courtyard above it and without a roof cover. For small to medium level ceremonies only use a solar studio, but for large ceremonies with regional scale use four sanggar tawang and usually for large ceremonies the pole is used to support the court using areca nut trunks because areca trees have symbolic value. One type of tetaring that is also considered to have a sacred value is a pointed tooth, a building with two bamboo poles with a roof covering made of woven coconut leaves and usually placed in front of the bale gede or bale meten where the ceremony is held. These canine buildings must be made taller than the permanent building  (Figure 1)

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