Compressive Strength and Permeability of Concrete Made by Utilizing Type I Portland Cement and Portland Pozzolan Cement
30/06/2020 Views : 790
I Made Alit Karyawan Salain
Strength and Permeability of Concrete Made by Utilizing Type I Portland Cement
and Portland Pozzolan Cement
I Made Alit Karyawan Salain
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering, Udayana University
Concrete is a very popular building material used in the
construction world. Many researches on concrete have already been realized and
it will continue to answer the development of science and technology as well as
environmental conditions. It is known that the strength of the concrete is
strongly influenced by its constituent materials (water, cement and aggregates)
so that the quality control of these materials must be considered carefully in
order to obtain concrete as expected.
In concrete technology, Portland cement is the main
component that serves as a hydraulic binder to bind and unify aggregate to
become a solid mass. Various types of Portland cement have been developed in
accordance with the type of building and environmental requirements. Type I
Portland cement (PPI) is commonly used to make concrete. This type of cement is
used for the buildings which do not require any special requirements [1]. With
the development of technology and efforts to save costs production as well as
to reduce environmental problems, it has been produced Portland Pozzolan cement
(PPC), which is a mixture of Portland cement clinker with a material having
properties of pozzolan [2].
Pozzolan is a mineral materials, mainly containing silica
and alumina, which when grounded equivalent to granular cement and mixed with
water at normal temperatures will react with lime to form a compound of calcium
silicate hydrate C-S-H and calcium aluminate hydrates C-A-H, similar to the
compound produced in the hydration process of cement [3, 4]. It is well known
that the reaction of Portland cement major minerals i.e. C3S and C2S with water
will produce hydration products C-S-H and free lime Ca(OH)2. Free
lime less contributes to the strength and even tends to disadvantage in terms
of durability, when in the course of time the hydration products react with
aggressive elements such as sulphate [3-5]. By blending Portland cement clinker
and pozzolan, in certain proportions, it will obtain PPC having different
character compared to PPI [3-5]. This different character will affect the
mechanical properties of concrete made by using PPC.
This paper presents the results of a study which compare
the compressive strength and permeability between concrete made by using PPC
and PCI at the age of 3, 7, 28 and 90 days.
Two type hydraulic binders used (PPC and PCI) originated
from one of Portland cement industries in Indonesia. Natural sand and crushed
stone were used as fine aggregate and coarse aggregate respectively. The grain
distribution of sand and crushed stone were designed according to SNI
03-2834-2000 [6] to meet respectively the gradation zone 2 for fine aggregate
and the granules with a maximum diameter of 40 mm for coarse aggregate. For
each type of binder, concrete was made to produce cylindrical specimens with a
diameter of 150 mm and a height of 300 mm. Concrete
was made by using a proportion, by weight, of 1.0 cement: 2.0 sand: 3.0 crushed
stone. The water cement ratio was 0.4. The compressive strength and permeability tests were realized after 3, 7,
28 and 90 days of hydration utilizing 3 cylindrical specimens respectively.
Compressive Strength
The results of
the compressive strength test of concrete made by using PPC and PCI at the age
of 3, 7, 28 and 90 days indicate that the compressive strength of concrete
increases with the increase of the hydration time. This happens on concrete
made by using PPC and that made by using PCI.
However, it is
also seen that the development of the compressive strength of concrete using
PPC is relatively slower at early age compared to that using PCI. Up to the age
of 7 days, concrete using PPC produces lower compressive strength, about 15%,
compared to that using PCI. By the increase of the hydration time, especially
after more than 20 days, concrete using PPC can produce higher compressive
strength compared to concrete using PCI. Even, at the age of 28 and 90 days,
concrete using PPC produces compressive strength respectively 41 and 46 MPa,
which are higher respectively 10% and 8% compared to that using PCI. The
development of compressive strength tends to continue after the age of 90 days.
The results of
permeability test of concrete made by using each type of binder at various ages
show that coefficient permeability of concrete, kp, decreases with the increase
of the age of hydration. A sharp decrease of kp mainly occurs from age 3 to 7
days. This phenomenon occurs on both concretes.
At the early
age kp of concrete using PPC is relatively higher than that using PCI. At the
age of 7 days, kp of concrete using PPC is 30% higher than that using PCI.
However, after the age of hydration is more than 20 days kp of concrete using
PPC becomes lower than that of using PCI. When the hydration time reaches 28
and 90 days, kp of concrete using PPC is respectively 6.07 E-10 and 9.36 E-11
cm/sec. This is respectively only 80% and 50% of kp of concrete using PCI.
The results of
compressive strength and permeability test of concrete made by using PCI and
PPC show the same tendency i.e. the compressive strength increase and the
permeability coefficient decreases with the increase of the hydration time. The
development of this mechanical properties of concrete can be attributed to the
growth of the hydration products with the increase of the hydration time.
It is well
known that with the increase of the hydration time and under condition of
adequate curing, the quantity of hydration products, especially C-S-H produced
from the reaction of C3S and C2S of the binder with water (H2O),
increases. The increase of the quantity of C-S-H makes the bond between binder
and aggregate getting stronger and the empty spaces that are originally
occupied by water and cement particles are replaced by C-S-H so that the
porosity of concrete reduces. This condition provides a major contribution to
the increase in the compressive strength in line with the reduce of the
permeability of concrete with the increase of the hydration time [3-5].
From the test,
it is also obtained that at early age, concrete using PPC initially produces
lower compressive strength and higher permeability coefficient compared to that
using PCI. It is strongly related to the presence of pozzolan in PPC. It is
known that the reactivity of the pozzolan is generally lower compared to
Portland cement clinker. Blending pozzolan and Portland cement clinker will
influence the reactivity of binder produced (PPC), and of course, the
development of the mechanical properties of concrete made.
With the increase of the hydration time, it appears that concrete using PPC
produces better mechanical properties than that using PCI, especially after the
age of hydration has passed 20 days. Pozzolan blended in PPC contains mainly
reactive silica and alumina. The purpose of a certain amount of pozzolan
blended with Portland cement clinker in producing of PPC is to reduce the
Ca(OH)2 produced by C3S and C2S hydration and simultaneously to
produce additional hydration products, in particular C-S-H. Free lime produced
from C3S and C2S hydration will react gradually with the reactive silica and
alumina of pozzolan to form additional C-S-H and C-A-H. This process will
reduce the size of large crystals such as Ca(OH)2 and subsequently
the additional C-S-H and C-A-H will fill large capillary cavities which are
formed on a common Portland cement hydration process. So that, the porosity of
the cement paste hydrates as well as the transition area between the cement
paste and aggregate hydrates will be reduced significantly. Consequently,
compressive strength of concrete increase and its permeability decreases
simultaneously [3, 4]. However, it appears that, only after the period of
hydration is more than 20 days, the contribution of pozzolanic reaction to the
mechanical properties of concrete using PPC can be seen. This condition gives
better mechanical properties than concrete using PCI.
1. At the early age, the development of the mechanical
properties of concrete using PPC are slower than that using PCI.
2. Concrete using PPC can show better mechanical properties
compared to that using PCI only after the age of the hydration time is more
than 20 days.
3. At the age of 90 days, concrete using PPC can produce
about 8% higher compressive strength and about 50% lower permeability
coefficient compared to concrete using PCI.
[1] National Standardization
Board (2004), “Indonesian National Standard: Portland Cement (SNI
[2] National Standardization
Board (2004), “Indonesian National Standard: Portland Pozzolan Cement (SNI
[3] Lea F.M. (1970). The
Chemistry of Cement and Concrete. Third edition, Edward Arnold Ltd., London.
[4] Mehta, P.K. (1986),
“Concrete Structure Properties, and Materials.” Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
[5] Neville, A.M. and Brooks
J.J. (1998), “Concrete Technology.” Longman, Singapore.
[6] National Standardization
Board (2000), “Indonesian National Standard: Procedure for Making Normal Concrete
(SNI 03-2834-2000)”.