29/06/2020 Views : 799
The need for wall block materials is increasing in line with population growth where the need for housing is also increasing. By far the most widely used adhesive material for producing wall masonry block materials (WMBM) is cement for producing concrete blocks. In addition, many new building wall materials have been marketed, but cement is still the most widely used adhesive.
Cement is easily obtained in urban areas or areas with adequate logistical transportation access. For inland areas in Indonesia, access to transportation can be very limited so cement is not available, or available at high prices. One alternative adhesive or binder that can be used is Latex, the result of tapping rubber tree sap.
Latex is a renewable natural material where rubber trees can grow in most parts of the tropics in Indonesia, especially in the remote inland part of Indonesia. Unprocessed latex is still liquid in a few hours, before it forms lumps. Latex that has been processed and given chemical additives can remain in liquid form for quite a long time. This liquid latex can be used as an aggregate adhesive material, either natural aggregate or used aggregate.
Aggregate composition can be adjusted, depending on the technique and compaction effort used, to obtain a block of wall material that is stable and compact (not easy to collapse or break) during the production process. In general the aggregate size for WMBM can be from a combination of coarse and fine aggregates. To make a stable and compact WMBM a sufficient amount of fine aggregate and adhesive material from latex is needed. Comparison of coarse aggregate volume (5-12mm): fine aggregate (5mm smaller) around 30-40%: 70-60%. Latex residue content is between 6-8%.
The WMBM production process is carried out by slightly moisturizing the aggregate evenly, then mixed with latex and stirring again. After that the mixture is compacted in a mold about 20x10x8 mm (can be adjusted), then compacted with a manual compactor until it is solid enough (as needed until the WMBM is stable and compact). Next, BBPD was removed from the mold using the help of a jack. WMBM can be aerated until dry or roasted with a temperature of 40-60 ° C to speed up drying. This WMBM can have compressive strength greater than 25 kg / cm2. Have a good trial, good luck. If you have anything to ask, please contact Arya, WA 081 338 982 948. Greetings.