20/08/2018 Views : 614






Putu Rumawan Salain

Professor of Architecture Conservation

Faculty of Engineering Udayana University




Keywords in this short article are Public Spaces. The fulfillment of public space facilities for the community everywhere is increasingly an important and necessary issue when the number of people, the more crowded transportation, the more expensive the price of land, the more open space disappears in residential homes, and others. The existence of public space especially in the midst of the struggle for the influence of globalization is considered necessary to accommodate local culture so that the identity of public spaces with each other is easily recognized and especially is to adopt local wisdom as the fruit of local culture so that people are familiar in their own public spaces. Therefore, the arrangement of public spaces that accommodate local culture in this era is necessary and important!



         Comparison of the number of city to village population in several major cities in Indonesia began to be disproportionate. In Indonesia, the urban population in 2025 based on the study is estimated to reach 67.50% of the total population of Indonesia. The impact of cities is crowded by people job seekers, education, health, and so on to connect and maintain their lives. As a result of these impacts, cities are late anticipating in the provision of housing, public space, transportation, and other infrastructure structures so that the city is inc reasingly dense, dirty, and jammed.  

         The city's distress and urgency sometimes the government forgets to provide public space for its people. If public space is available it is not in demand by students, students, and the elderly. Sometimes the desire to provide facilities in the form of public space is hit by the high price of land. John Ormsbee Simond (in Budiharjo, 1977) reminded to be more careful in managing the city and the built environment, it is considered that the city managers together with businessmen, and the wider community are jointly committing ecological suicide.

         Denpasar in the next few years when the population becomes one million will become a Metropolitan City. In 2013, the BPS Data of Denpasar City in 2014; Denpasar has a population of 833,900 people. The most populous population distribution is owned by the District of West Denpasar with a total of 10,062 people / Km2. Followed by the District of East Denpasar 6508 people / KM2, North Denpasar 5907 people / Km2, and South Denpasar 5,221 people / Km2. The city is not built from brick foundations, but rather built from social and cultural capital owned.  Denpasar city is one example of a city that organizes its public spaces to accommodate local culture.




Public Space

         The definition of a public space is a space used by the public. What is meant by the public is the general public, while space is an open space. If there are several enclosed spaces in the form of buildings, the composition is not so large that it defeats the open space. Thus public space is an open space whose main function is to serve the interests of the general public to socialize, educate, recreation, and play, free of charge. Another function of public space can be as an open space city and as a city park.         

         Six Requirements for City Public Space Needs according to Jacobs, 1996, (in Pramadito) quoted from the internet raises about six important requirements in meeting the needs of City Public Spaces. The requirements are:

(1). It is a comfortable walking place for users of public spaces so as to support the establishment of social life as the essence of the road or public space. The three main things to consider are opportunities for others to see; opportunities to see others; and the ease of communicating with others, known or previously unknown.

(2). Physical comfortable adapted to local climatic conditions.

(3). The quality of space that supports the creation of humane space with consideration of complexity, the need for orientation, marking, and certain details.

(4). Define space both vertically and horizontally.

(5). Be transparent or allow physical and visual access between spaces.

(6). There is complementary, either between activities or functions or between physical arrangements in the public space.


2. Public Spaces That Accommodate Local Culture

2.1. Local Culture

         Is understood as copyright, karsa and taste somewhere. These local creations, karsa, and flavors can be habits or traditions, such as architecture, landscapes, spaces, and more. In accommodating local culture into the arrangement of publiK space divided into two main groups, namely the diaga and unagaaga. What is not diaga is the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana. The philosophy organizes space with harmony between man and man, with nature and with what he believes.

2.2. Traditional Public Space in Bali

         From the layers of development of life and livelihood in Bali, known also public spaces with local nuances and has been contrasting such as: Kalangan, Bale Banjar, Jaba Sisi on The Temple, Ancak Saji on Puri, Tenten, Peken, Setra, and Pantai.  Public spaces are in the form of open spaces, parks or buildings or a mixture of them. The picture as shown below,









2.3. Transformation of Local Culture in Public Spaces in Bali

         Accommodated local culture in public spaces that are easy to see and can be implemented is in public spaces in the form of open spaces or parks. This is in line with Stephen Carr's opinion above which states that three dimensions of humanity that are very important must be reflected in the Public Space, namely: (1). Responsive, (2). Democratic, (3). Meaningful. All three are in public spaces in the form of open space or city parks.                     

         Mirrors are very important and provide local cultural identity is to utilize meaningful mirrors, among others through the application of basic concepts, planning concepts, and design concepts, namely: (1). Basic concepts, based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana.    (2). Planning Concept :

      Widhi Sradha (believing in God), in fact is in Sunia "emptyness", empty is interpreted as Space.

      Atma Sradha (believing in Atman), is the totality of the garden that must be discussed by God and Atman.

      Karma Phala Sradha, the arrangement of the garden is not on the basis of the law of causation, so that all elements of the garden are natural!

      Punarbhawa Sradha, in the arrangement always pay attention to the elements: Utpeti (born), Stiti (alive), and Pralina (dead). So the park displays the life cycle.

      Moksha Sradha, every arrangement of the garden should display happiness

  (3). The concept of design (as a reference for giving birth to patterns imbued with the concept of planning and basic concepts) as follows:

  • The pattern of traditional Balinese garden garden space must reflect the pattern of Catus Pata, the pattern of Nawa Sanga room (cored of  main values, madya, nista) and Tri Angga pattern (head, body, legs), or also Cakya (memusat).
  • Bali's traditional parks as Bhuana Alit from the description of Bhuana Agung (nature) have elements contained in Bhuana Agung called Panca Maha Bhuta namely pertiwi (solid substance), apah (liquid substance), teja (light or light), bayu (air or wind) and akassa (ether or space).
  • In the selection of plant materials adhere to the traditional religious and aesthetically functional meanings born from the combination of Taru Pramana and ecological functions.

         The public space in the form of parks or open spaces in Bali is a product of the royal period until the Dutch Colonial era and post-independence. Functions vary according to the interests of the majority of people who embrace Hindu beliefs. Therefore, public space is also used for the sake of prayer for Hindus and Muslims. For example, like the photo below,








Post Discourse

         Public Space was there since the era of Kingdom until now.

  1. Public Spaces exist private up to an urban scale.
  2. City Public Spaces are sometimes born from Alun2, City Park, City Forest, City Green Open Space.
  3. The function of Public Space City, not just as a forum for social activities "communication" but can serve as: Ecological, Biological, Aesthetic, Hydrological, Educational, Recreation, Micro Klimat, Etc. Special in Bali, especially in Denpasar added with the function of Ritual.
  4. Local Culture permeated through Philosophy, Concepts, Architecture, Landscapes, and materials, and others that have locality within the frame of Environment-Socio-Cultural-Economy.
  5. Identity displays identity and dignity.
  6. Through the commemoration of world habitat day "Make man the subject of development".
  7. Public Space for All.