25/06/2020 Views : 326


             Nowadays, brand discussion has become a very important issue in the world of marketing. Marketing research professionals claim that the marketing war will be a battle among brands with one rule: the strongest will become the winner. This shows how vital a brand is in the field of marketing.

Brand is a very important aspect of a product. The American Marketing Association defines brands as names, terms, signs, symbols, or designs, or a combination of these that are intended to recognize a product or service from one or several sellers and to distinguish it from competing products. A good brand name can add great success to the product. There are several aspects in a brand:

1.     Attribute. The brand will first remind someone of a certain attribute. A marketer based on these attributes must position his product so that it is firmly embedded in consumers' memories. For example, Indomaret is able to highlight the attributes of low prices on consumer perception.

2.     The benefits. Consumers basically do not buy attributes only, but also benefits. Therefore, attributes built with products must be translated into functional and emotional benefits. These benefits are felt by Marriot hotel customers, where they not only enjoy the luxury quality accommodations but were also spoiled by the membership benefit program offered by the company.

3.     Value The brand can reflect values towards buyer. For example, Mercedes represents high achievement, safety and prestige values.

4.     Personality. The brand also reflects a certain personality. Therefore, the brand will attract people whose true image and self-image match that person's image. For example Balenciaga highlights the modern feminine personality, so that people who like feminism with a modern touch will feel Balenciaga is himself and willing to pay dearly to have the product.

            Based on its definition, brand is an attribute of the product in the form of a name, logo or sign that is used to distinguish it from other products, and contains meaning that goes beyond the product itself in the form of trust, values and personality. Brands can also be understood as a seller's promise to consistently deliver a collection of specific traits, benefits, and services to buyers.

            For some people, a brand is a 'social signal' that shows status, position in group or part of a particular community. The brand can also be used as a symbolic tool that allows consumers to build their image. For example, Hermes brand bags are able to make buyers feel that thay are in different strata in society. This symbolic view asserts that a certain brand can be associated with certain groups or types of people and reflects certain values and personalities. In other words, when consuming a product with a certain brand, consumers are actually communicating to others, to themselves, about what type of person they are and what they want.

            The brand is also a belief system (belief system) that is firmly embedded in consumers mind. This belief system is build from the trust. And trust is formed from the image of a brand. And this belief is manifested in purchase decision. These beliefs include how well the quality of the brand is or how well the brand is performing. For example, it is common for Garuda Indonesia customers to be reluctant to use other domestic airlines because because of the level of trust they have in this airline, that cannot be stolen by other airlines.

            High trust in a brand, will be able to make a consumer willing to spend more for the brand, and no longer depends solely on the product. An example of this statement is: shoes company who manufactures shoes for different brands.  Even with the same specifications and components but when these shoes using a different brand, the price will be different. This happens because consumers have different trust in these brands, so they no longer care how the actual quality of the brand compared to other brands.

            Several studies have revealed that there is an attachment between brands and consumer’s emotion. Brands that are strong, high in value or having high equity have proven to be successful not only in overcoming rational calculations, but also in managing the emotional side. Brands with high equity are able to produce high loyalty, and are able to produce strong emotions that can influence the selection of a product. These statements shows strong attachment between a brand and consumer’s emotion

            An emotional bond is a relationship based on a construct that reflects an emotional connection that happens between an individual to the use of goods. This bond consists of three components: effectiveness (warm feeling of the brand), passion (positive tendency towards brand), and relationship (feeling of joining / engaging with the brand).

            This emotional bond is built with ongoing contact with the brand over a long period of time. An emotional connection can develop a faster response to the brand’s advertisement.. Different types of organizations can benefit from emotional branding. People who associate products or services with positive emotions will be more dependent on the product. A good response from customers to the brand will strengthen this relationship based on mutually beneficial partnership. Organizations must realize that there are several things that they must consider in order to create a strong emotional attachment to customers, which are:

1.     The brand must be able to meet customer desires. Making a product is not only to fulfill their need, but also their desires. For example, Mercedes Benz creates more than just a means of transportation. It manages to fulfill their consumer’s wants: “a car to make itself feel different, praised, or important”.

2.     The brand can be trusted. Fulfilling your promise is very important. For example, Circle K, which promised to open its shops 24 hours, manages to stay open 24 hours (except for Nyepi or the silent day in Bali and other government instructions regarding to shops opening hours ).

            These two things will bring trust, and trust will create understanding. Emotional branding is a powerful and useful tool. When emotional branding is properly applied it can improve consumer’s understanding in product or service, and help building strong bonds between the brand itself to its consumers.