28/06/2020 Views : 296
Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are often referred to as the
backbone of the country's economy. The proportion of MSMEs from all business
operators in Indonesia even reaches 99.9 percent. But the classic problem that
is often faced by MSMEs is limited access to capital funding. At present there
are still SMEs who have difficulty accessing capital amid the massive business
lending from the government through banks. The reason is partly because MSMEs
still have limited assets that can be used as collateral for financing by
Along with advances in technology, the existence of a digital platform in
the form of fintech lending can be one of the MSME solutions in getting
capital. Fintech lending or also called peer-to-peer lending or Information
Technology-Based Lending and Borrowing Services (LPMUBTI) is one of the
innovations in the financial sector with the use of technology that enables
lenders and loan recipients to conduct borrowing and lending transactions
without having to meet in person. The lending and borrowing transaction
mechanism is carried out through a system that has been provided by fintech
lending providers, both through the application and website pages.
The way fintech lending works is based on information technology, so
borrowers and lenders do all of their transaction processes based on
information technology. These financial services bring together lenders
(lenders) with borrowers (borrowers) through an electronic system online. MSMEs
who wish to register as borrowers are also asked to submit identity documents,
proof of company legality, and company financial statements. Loan interest
rates will be applied and loan proposals made by the borrower will be included
in the marketplace that has been provided so that all lenders can find out
about the loan applications made by the borrower.
Funding through fintech lending can facilitate MSMEs, especially those that
are unbankable. But on the other hand, the community must calculate the income
between the debt burden that must be borne, and the use of funds is really for
something productive so as not to get stuck in bad credit. The community must
be directed to borrow from legal fintech, to reduce the risk of misuse of data
or excessive interest.
The role of the government is expected so that the community can utilize fintech lending appropriately, including by conducting education about fintech and entrepreneurship training, so that MSMEs have room to develop. In addition, financial literacy is also needed because there are several risks including the existence of illegal fintech and customer data leakage.
References Financial
Technology. Accessed on 20 Juni 2020. 2 Oktober 2019. Fintech Lending Bisa Jadi Andalan Pembiayaan UMKM. Diakses pada 20 Juni 2020. Fintech Mampu Membantu Perkembangan UKM. Accessed on 20 Juni 2020.