28/06/2020 Views : 278
I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suaryana
Investment is a
business carried out by investors in order to obtain profits in the future.
Investors invest in investment instruments, such as savings, deposits, bonds,
and stocks. Investment in the form of savings, deposits, and bonds provides
benefits in the form of interest that is received periodically by investors.
Investments in stocks provide benefits in the form of capital gains and
dividends. The profits received by investors who invest in shares are
theoretically higher than in savings, deposits, bonds. This is because stock
investments have a higher risk than savings, deposits and bonds. Investors who
are willing to take higher risks will expect higher returns from their
Retail investors who
wish to invest in stocks should invest in shares of public companies listed on
the capital market. The capital market in Indonesia is charged with the
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). To date, more than 500 companies are listed on
the IDX. All of these companies must comply with regulations issued by the IDX
and financial services authority (OJK). This regulation is expected to improve
corporate governance listed on the IDX and protect investors who invest on the
The best time to
invest in shares is when the company first registers on the IDX, known as an
initial public offering (IPO) of shares. The company registers on the IDX with
various motives. The main motive for the IPO is to get funds from the community
to expand the business. Other company motives, namely improving corporate
governance, enhancing company reputation, and obtaining funds to pay off
corporate debt.
Two phenomena at the
time of a stock IPO are an initial return, and a decline in the long-term share
price performance. The initial return is a phenomenon of rising stock prices of
newly listed companies. This increase is of short duration. Usually only a few
days after the company's shares are traded in the secondary market. The SECOND phenomenon
is the decline in long-term stock price performance. The decline in long-term
performance is in the form of a decline in stock prices for three to four years
after the company is listed on a stock exchange. The phenomenon of early
returns and a decline in long-term performance after an IPO can be observed in
several IPO companies in Indonesia. One example of the phenomenon of the
decline in share price performance experienced by the initial offering of
shares of PT Krakatau Steel. These shares are offered at an initial price of
Rp850.00 per share. Stocks experienced a sharp increase in prices on the first
day of trading on the secondary market. The stock price opened at Rp.950.00 and
closed at Rp.2,270.00. Strengthening of prices lasts until the fourth trading
day in the secondary market. The increase in share prices was followed by a
decline in the performance of long-term stock prices as evidenced in June 2020
the price of PT Kratau Steel's shares was traded at a price of around Rp.
Price behavior at
the beginning of trading in the secondary market shows optimism from some
investors in the secondary market. The share price opened higher than the bid
price and was followed by an increase in price up to 50% above the bid price.
Positive return at the beginning of trading illustrates the optimism of stock
investors in the secondary market, then it will be followed by a slow decline
in the long-term performance of stock prices. The share price of PT Krakatau
Steel continues to decline in price up to Rp. 200.00. This price is far below
the market price on the first trading day of Rp1,270.00. The decline in stock
prices shows a decline in expectations of stock values by optimistic
investors. Investors who are optimistic about the company's prospects will
reduce their valuation of shares based on information that is considered bad
news received after the IPO. New information in the form of financial
statements issued by the company after the IPO will change the optimistic
investor's assessment because optimistic investors have more information to judge
more precisely the value of the company.
The phenomenon of
early returns and a decline in the performance of long-term stock prices
provides an investment strategy for investors who want to make a profit.
Investors should sell shares at the beginning of trading if at the beginning of
the stock trade there is a relatively high initial return. Test results
generally find the initial return has a negative effect on the performance of
long-term stock prices. This means that the higher the initial return, the
lower the long-term stock price performance. Conversely, investors can continue
to hold shares in the long run if the initial return is relatively low because
the lower the initial return, the higher the long-term stock price performance.