01/11/2021 Views : 213
I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Budiasih
Tri Hita Karana
(THK) culture consists of
three dimensions, namely Parahyangan
(a harmonious relationship between humans and God), Pawongan (a harmonious relationship between humans), and Palemahan (harmony relationship between
humans and the natural environment). The three dimensions of THK are a unity that is not separated
from one another.
concept is associated with business, in the dimension of a businessman/employee
believing that the success achieved is not solely due to his ability and hard
work but success is due to God's will. The self-approach to God is felt as a
religious force that causes it to think calmly and clearly. This situation can
increase their ability to control themselves against various negative actions
that can harm other parties so that parties related to business activities,
such as employees, customers, company owners, the government, and the community
feel happy to connect with them.
The THK concept of the Pawongan dimension is relevant to the organizational culture
dimension of creating a clear reward and punishment system, determining the
vision and mission, clarity in the distribution of power and status and
developing goals in the form of organizational structure and division of tasks.
Businesses must maintain harmony with others who are internally within the
company and externally within the community so that conflicts do not occur.
Conflict will cause business activities to not continue.
The THK concept of Palemahan dimension is related to the harmonious relationship
between humans and the natural surroundings. This dimension is related to the
basic assumptions of organizational culture regarding the relationship between
humans and nature and the environment. The relationship is reflected by: a) the
role of the organization in society through the types of products produced, the
way services are provided, and targeted customer segmentation; b) views on the
environment relevant to the organization, whether economic, political,
technological, socio-cultural environment; and c), the view of the
organization's position on the environment, whether the organization dominates,
is dominated, or balanced with the environment.
The emergence of awareness in the community of the
importance of preserving the environment and social care due to damage to the
activities of business organizations, and the emergence of social and
environmental accounting so that people no longer only demand products/services
produced by the organization that can be useful for life. But the community
also wants business organizations to pay attention to environmental
sustainability and social care. The facts show that the earth underwent a very
significant change. Unfortunately these changes are negative changes, such as:
1) Increased air temperature; 2) Thinning of the ice sheet; 3) sea level rise;
4) Increase in new diseases; 5) Long dry season; 6) Storm; and 7) Flooding.
Sustainability Accounting has a model definition
that complements the emptiness of the values of individual and group wisdom in
the organization that is spiritual. Sustainability Accounting is here to answer
current and future challenges for social, economic, environmental and
spirituality sustainability. The economic dimension has an important mission to
revitalize so that economic growth can fight poverty and unemployment. The
social dimension is a neutralizing economic events that will and have been
carried out as a form of concern for the basic capital of the economy in
driving business organizations. The environmental dimension has a mission so
that the economic dimension does not blindly exploit its interests. The
spiritual dimension has a mission to balance the meaning of life towards
oneself, between individuals and groups of organizations.
Spirituality cannot directly utilize quantitative
tools to determine performance in each of its dimensions. However, indicators
are still needed by placing symbols and their meanings according to their
dimensions. 4th Generation GRI (G4) has released indicators in each of its 3
(three) main dimensions. Spirituality is understood that every individual and
organization (group of people) has the responsibility of building economic, social
and environmental events in their organizations which are related to the Holy
Holy Spirit is a form of religiosity and
universality. In this discussion, the Spirit is prioritized in the form of
universality that can be interpreted as sincere love, transcendental awareness,
and is capable of self-contemplation. This dimension is the main indicator in
the process of accountability of individuals and organizations around them.
Accounting spirituality becomes important in the effort to instill the Holy
Spirit in creating and implementing accountability for economic, social and
environmental events in an organizational unity.
Although accounting conventions use monetary
units in their measurement and policy discourse, spiritual accounting is built to
assess the performance of individuals and organizations. The Sustainability
Accounting reporting model based on THK
reformulates the Conventional Accounting reporting model. Relationship between
organizational direct events and organizational indirect events related to
stakeholders. Sustainability Accounting is the practice of measuring and
disclosing, which can be accounted for by internal and external stakeholders to
achieve development goals, through reporting organizational events that
consider and describe the economic, social, environmental, and spiritual