Will traditional Balinese food be marginalized ??

16/06/2020 Views : 341

Ni Made Rastini

Will Traditional Balinese food be Marginalized ??

By : Ni Made Rastini



Entering the era of globalization and the development of information technology is a challenge for business people in almost all industries. Advances in information technology also have an impact on the socio-cultural shift inherited by the ancestors of a nation. As a result of this cultural shift, many young people who prefer western culture over traditional culture. That is because the mindset of those who consider western culture more modern and more popular, so that their awareness in preserving traditional culture decreases. One effect that can be felt is the shifting of the level of consumption of traditional foods which most people are starting to forget. People now prefer foods that are trending, namely fast food with modern packaging that is unique and attractive.

In this modern era that is very practical, the choice of food is very diverse. One option for urban people who are busy with activities is to choose to eat modern food (fast food) (Mufidah, 2012: 2). Fast food (fast food) is food that is available in a fast and ready to eat, such as fried chiken, hamburgers or pizza. Easy to get fast food on the market, the availability of food variations according to taste and purchasing power, processing and preparation faster, it is suitable for those who are always busy (Sulistijani, 2002). The phenomenon of fast food or modern food can also be seen from the emergence of various fast food shops on the roadside. Even for now rarely found a restaurant that sells traditional food. This is because there has been a reduction in people's interest in consuming traditional food because it is considered impractical. Especially for teenagers tend to prefer to consume modern food.

Traditional food is formed by a process of development that runs for years, namely the process of adjusting between the food consumed with the types of food available and the forms of activities carried out by the local community. Traditional food is food that is commonly eaten for generations, consisting of dishes that are suitable to taste, do not conflict with religion, local community beliefs and are made from locally available ingredients and spices. Given the cultural value inherent in these traditional foods, various efforts are needed to maintain it in the midst of the many offers of fast food lately and in the future. One effort that can be done is to develop innovation in accordance with customer needs or customer-oriented innovation.


            Observing this situation the traditional Balinese food Traders are accompanied by the provincial government of Bali through working instruments related to intense activities to restore the existence of traditional Balinese food. Activities that have been carried out are traditional food festivals or exhibitions and assistance in order to develop innovations for the business. The purpose of this activity is to introduce the existence of traditional Balinese food and at the same time develop new innovations in accordance with the needs of the current target market, especially among adolescents. Thus it is expected that traditional food as one of the cultural assets of Bali can still be preserved.

In this regard, it is necessary to study various aspects related to consumer behavior that become the estuary of the purchasing decision process and a reflection of the existence of traditional Balinese food. These aspects include:

1) Consumer attitude

Fishbein & Ajzen (1975) defines attitude as the amount of affection (feeling) a person feels to accept or reject an object or behavior and is measured by a procedure that places the individual on a two-pole evaluative scale, for example good or bad, agree or reject, etc. . Attitude (attitude) is an evaluation of trust or positive or negative feelings from someone if they have to do the behavior that will be determined (Jogiyanto, 2007).

The attitude of consumers is also seen as an evaluation of the concept of the overall way carried out by consumers towards various physical and social objects, such as: products, brands. models, people aside from various marketing strategies, such as: advertising, discounts, as well as attitudes toward their brand behavior or actions, such as buying food and so on.

In connection with the existence of traditional Balinese food, the measurement of this indicator includes the confidence and evaluation of the attributes to get a picture that the consumer's confidence in the attributes of traditional foods which include diversity of types, sizes, innovations to follow the times, natural, cheaper prices and easy to get it. This indicates that teenagers have a positive attitude towards the innovations that have been carried out by traditional Balinese culinary entrepreneurs.

2) Subjective Norms

Subjective norms as one's perception or view of

the beliefs of others that will influence the interest in doing or not performing the behavior under consideration. Azjen (1988) defines subjective norms as one's perception of social pressure to do or not do behavior. Subjective norms refer to individual subjective judgments about other people's preferences and support for a behavior.

    Someone will have a desire for an object or behavior if influenced by people around him to do it or believe that the environment or the people around him support what he does (Mas'ud, 2012). According to Mowen and Minor (2012) A person's subjective norms will be positive when normative beliefs are positive, likewise subjective norms will be positive when there is a desire to follow the opinions of others (referents). In connection with the existence of traditional Balinese food, the measurement of this indicator includes the confidence and evaluation of the attributes to get a picture that the consumer's confidence in the attributes of traditional foods which include diversity of types, sizes, innovations to follow the times, natural, cheaper prices and easy to get it.

In connection with the existence of traditional Balinese food shows normative beliefs or family advice on traditional foods that include diversity of types, sizes, innovations to follow the times, natural, cheaper prices and easy to get them in the area around the place of residence can encourage teenagers to buy traditional foods that are lately has been innovating. The family's direction to consume traditional food for reasons such as the previous mention is accepted by both teenagers or young generation of Bali.

3) Behavior Intention

 Interest or intention to behave is the desire to conduct behavior (Jogiyanto, 2007). Ajzen (1991) and Taylor & Tood (1995) state that behavioral interest indicates a person's decision to do or not do a certain behavior. Interest or intention to behave is the desire to conduct behavior (Jogiyanto, 2007). The concept of behavioral interest states that an individual's motivation to engage in behavior is defined by attitudes that influence the individual's behavior (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975).

Interest is an important predictor of behavior. Behavioral interest shows how much effort an individual has made to commit to performing a behavior. The magnitude of a commitment defines the realization of this behavior (Arthana & Rukhviyanti, 2015). Interest can be measured by using subjective norms and attitudes that influence one's interest in acting while subjective norms are influenced by beliefs and motivations whether they want others to be involved (Putri & Suprapti, 2016). In the context of traditional Balinese food.

Thus it can be concluded that subjective attitudes and norms have a positive influence on consumer behavior in this case the teenagers' purchase intention to traditional Balinese food with customer-oriented innovation. This fact also rejects the statement that traditional Balinese food will be marginalized in the midst of the presence of contemporary food in the community, as long as traditional Balinese culinary businesses continue to innovate in accordance with the changes that occur or oriented to customer desires.


3.        CLOSING

As the end of this paper, to maintain the existence of traditional Balinese food is determined by the following aspects:

which determine the interest of adolescents to buy traditional foods is determined

1) The attitude of consumers as measured by the confidence and evaluation of the attributes of traditional Balinese food with customer-oriented innovation in general is very high, especially indicators of ease of getting traditional food, especially in the area of ​​residence of the respondent. Likewise consumers have high confidence and evaluation of the indicators of traditional Balinese food that is always following the development of the jama

2) Consumer subjective norms in this case family recommendations can motivate consumers in this case adolescents to follow the advice of buying traditional Balinese food with customer-oriented innovation because the price is cheaper than fast food to get the fulfillment of needs with the same level of satisfaction.

3) Subjective attitudes and norms influence adolescent buying intentions of traditional Balinese food with customer-oriented innovation, where subjective norms are more dominant in influencing the decision compared to adolescent attitudes. This indicates that the greater the adolescent family's recommendations, the higher the intention to buy traditional Balinese food.

4) As long as the traditional traditional Balinese culinary entrepreneurs are creative to innovate, the existence of traditional Balinese food can still be maintained in the midst of the presence of contemporary food.




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