26/06/2020 Views : 302

Made Gede Wirakusuma

As a Balinese (native) of course know, feel, and can assess the development of the social life of the Balinese people and their environment that is developing so rapidly, tend to be consumptive, temporary, and weak in increasing self-capacity. The island of Bali has a relatively small land area and most of its inhabitants are Hindus which are thick with various religious and social ritual activities so as to produce artistic and cultural values ​​that are unique and attractive to the outside world. This raises the high interest and intensity of domestic and foreign tourist visits, so that Bali as a tourist destination receives various impacts, especially for the people of Bali and the surrounding natural environment, including the increase in urban areas that add to classic problems without being resolved.

Conscious or not, the Balinese (native) are obedient and sincere with religious responsibilities and upholds their customs and culture. On the other hand, not a few of their religious ritual activities become tourist products that generate dollars even though they do not get any attention and appreciation. Even in the current pandemic situation, the ritual responsibility remains carried out despite the limitations due to protocols and government regulations that try to reduce the threat of a pandemic. This is where the role of the government that has the power (governance) becomes more open to show efforts to maintain the intended balance, especially the balance of THK (Tri Hita Karana), with the awareness that the law of karma and natural law exists.

The policy of power holders who prioritize tourism makes the lives of Balinese people up to now tend to ignore the social and natural environment of Bali. Investment in the Bali tourism sector is the main focus, emphasizing the natural beauty and cultural uniqueness, customs, and friendliness of its inhabitants. The jingling of the dollar fascinates the public with the hope of enjoying it, both directly and indirectly as the main actor responsible for carrying out his ‘Catur Yadnya’ activities and balancing The Tri Hita Karana (THK). The people of Bali uphold the honor of the tourists who come, maintain security and comfort, strive to preserve the natural environment around, is very open to people who come, including the urban people. Will these activities be carried out properly and sustainably, considering that Bali as a tourist destination is no longer able to be passionate about providing a source of income and stability in the Balinese economy?

Awareness deepens and reminds the tourism business people in Bali that the balance of nature and the social environment is the most valued asset. Even people who work as tourism sector employees, craftsmen, and farmers should get the attention of those in power. Even before the pandemic, we often witness native Balinese employees working in tourism facilities considered to be ineffective due to being often absent because they have to carry out religious and socio-cultural obligations. The same thing is experienced by artists and craftsmen, often being defeated and disadvantaged by employers due to delays in fulfilling orders and supplying supplies of art or craft products. In addition, the farmers often fail to produce quality agricultural products to be absorbed by tourism support facilities, so that many switch professions, even at the very least they sell their land. This phenomenon has been ongoing so far, without anyone paying special attention, especially from the regional government. In fact, Bali's tourism departs from the specific customs and religion that produce high artistic and cultural values.

The arrogance of Bali tourism is currently undergoing a period of severe testing towards a new balance (equilibrium), according to the THK-based concept of equilibrium, without distinguishing who and what is done by the stakeholders in Bali. Sector’s excellence is no longer arrogance, but it must be recognized as a shared advantage in order to be able to build a robust Bali in all situations and have established human resources and natural resources for the survival of the Balinese people. Policy is no longer temporary and fosters capitalist character, moreover it is rhetorical and camouflage only to perpetuate power or position and political interests. Struggling to get contribution of Visa on Arrival (VOA) for Bali, finally has answered by the willingness of nature. The cultural heritage of the Balinese diverts as a whole and in a sustainable manner must be maintained by the Balinese themselves consistently without having to depend on externalization and the swift influences of modernization and globalization. Arrogance and inconsistency of the ruler's policy such as the maximum height of buildings, boundaries of sacred areas, North Bali development plan to balance development compared to southern Bali that has been overloaded, procurement of highway facilities as a counterweight to the tug of war with various reasons, land use for commercial facade general, etc., will naturally be regulated by nature. At this time, proving the power of nature is inevitable. If humans, with their arrogance and opportunist attitudes, certainly will not be able to do balance, then nature will do it inevitably so as to make awareness emerge without distinguishing the status of the group or economic excellence. "Let us keep Bali in balance truly and don't let Bali as an island of paradise remain only memories”