The Influence of Perception on Education and Government Regulation on Entrepreneurial Intentions.

13/06/2020 Views : 289

I Gde Ketut Warmika

        In the social psychology literature, niat which are translations of English intentions have been investigated and proven to be the first best predictor of planned behavior by a person (planned individual behavior), especially behavior that is difficult to observe, behavior that is still rare compared to behavior that is already common , and behaviors that require a grace period to make it happen (Krueger, Reilly and Carsud, 2000). Entrepreneurial intention is an example of a predictor of entrepreneurial behavior. Entrepreneurial intention in its practical definition is the desire of someone to carry out activities to open new businesses to create jobs for themselves and their environment, earn income and even get social status as an entrepreneur. Academically, entrepreneurial intention is defined as a state of mind that can guide one's actions and direct attention towards achieving the goal of being an entrepreneur. From here then the term entrepreneurship emerges as a job creator. This entrepreneurial intention is still rare, in contrast to the intention to become a civil servant, a company employee or to be a factory worker or termed as a job seekers. The tips to become an entrepreneur must continue to be encouraged in various ways, both through education at the university level , creating a competitive business climate through government regulations and policies and promoting and socializing to the public that entrepreneurship is as noble as working as a civil servant or private employee.

        The government through universities realizes that the community's entrepreneurial intentions in general and students in particular are still low and must continue to be encouraged. The strategic step taken by the university is to include entrepreneurship courses in the compulsory curriculum in tertiary institutions, provide specialized entrepreneurship training for students interested in entrepreneurship, help with initial capital and establish business incubators at the university. Business competition activities from the faculty level, university level and national level are continuously carried out every year. Generally, entrepreneurship education in universities is intended to provide entrepreneurial knowledge and skills to students, learn the character of an entrepreneur, emerge entrepreneurial talents, motivate students to become entrepreneurs. Various skills needed by an entrepreneur are also given such as written and verbal communication techniques, business skills such as planning, decision making, marketing, finance and corporate organization. While personal skills also provided include self-control, innovation, risk taking and readiness to change.