27/08/2020 Views : 333
Sudarsana Arka
existence of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia occupies
a strategic position in national economic development. MSMEs are the driving
wheels of the Indonesian economy. The development of UMKM is one of the
concrete forms of community empowerment through the development of a people's
economy. MSMEs have also proven to be quite resilient in facing the crises that
occurred in 1998 and 2008. Broadly speaking, there are three roles or
contributions of MSMEs to the Indonesian economy, including: 1) As a means of
equitable distribution of the people's economy, where it is possible for MSMEs
to play a role in equalizing people's economic activities. because of its
existence in various places, even reaching remote areas of the village; 2) As a
means of alleviating people from poverty, because the absorption of labor is
relatively high; and 3) As a means of earning foreign exchange for the country,
because the market is not limited to the domestic market, but also reaches the
export market (https://www.kompas.com/skola/read/2019/12/20/120000469/peran-umkm-dalam-perekonomian-indonesia?page=all.)
Based on BPS data for 2018, it can be seen
from the number of UMKM business units that reached 64 million units, or around
99 percent of the total business units in Indonesia. The development of MSMEs
is not only a source of job opportunity creation and an engine for the economy
in rural areas. However, in the era of globalization the role of MSMEs has
become increasingly strategic, namely as a source of foreign exchange from
non-oil and gas exports, with total exports reaching 293,840 billion rupiah, so
that they can contribute to Indonesia's total exports of around 14 percent.
Apart from being a source of foreign exchange earnings, MSMEs also have a role
in the economy through their contribution in providing employment and in the
formation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). BPS data for 2018 also shows that
GDP at current prices generated by the MSME sector reaches 8,573,895 billion
rupiah, so that the contribution of MSMEs to Indonesia's GDP is around 61
percent, while its role in employment reaches 117 million people, or around 97
percent. . Seeing the big role of MSMEs in expanding employment opportunities
and absorbing labor, it can be expected to reduce unemployment and poverty
Then what was the condition of
MSMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic? The crisis due to the current pandemic has
a different impact on MSMEs compared to the crises that occurred in 1998 and
2008. The Covid-19 outbreak in addition to having an impact on the public
health aspect, but also has an impact on the economies of countries in the
world, including Indonesia. The economic crisis due to the weakening of the
global economy as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic is a threat to the
sustainability of Indonesia's national economy. MSMEs, which are one of the
drivers of the domestic economy and a very large employer of labor, have
experienced shocks. The Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium
Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia, Teten Masduki, stated that MSMEs are
one of the business sectors that have been quite severely affected by the
Covid-19 pandemic. However, according to Teten Masduki, there are certain MSME
sectors that actually experience an increase during the pandemic (umkm menteri koperasi
dan ukm teten masduki covid 19 virus corona)
The results of a survey by the
International Labor Organization (ILO) on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) found that there were MSMEs that
stopped and laid off their employees for paid or unpaid leave. In addition,
there are also MSME employees who have been affected by Termination of Employment
(PHK). Then, there are also MSMEs that face cash flow problems. Furthermore,
some respondents stated that their income had decreased by a range of 25
percent to more than 50 percent. Furthermore, the ILO also advised the
government to be able to provide financial assistance for MSMEs. (https://katadata.co.id/ekarina/berita/5ed7c7e8cbb2a/survei-ilo-70-umkm-di-indonesia-setop-produksi-akibat-covid-19)
Regarding various problems faced
by MSME players, the Government has made efforts to mitigate the impact of the
Covid-19 pandemic by rolling out various stimuli for business actors by
allocating a number of funds, in which MSMEs are one of the priority ones.
Through this stimulus, it is hoped that MSMEs will continue to be able to
become a buffer for the national economy, among others, to overcome
unemployment and poverty problems.