17/06/2020 Views : 696

Ida Ayu Nyoman Saskara

The pandemic that is happening in the world is not left of Bali Island, bringing tremendous impact on the lives of all walks of life. How not, the circumstances are completely unexpected, making the occurrence of the behavior of the people of the upper class until the lower group is very astonishing. Bali is such a fire forest, which is so compacing is the people themselves, who turn the brain looking for ways how to stay alive and survive. The Balinese are innocent and submissive. PSBB? Bali actually has done PSBB even before the term PSBB was heard. New  in just tell  the Balinese people are already understood and obedient, most of them decide to dwell at home and work from home, not to Bergaya-gaya, but because it is indeed deployed even dismissed, also for the reason suppress the spread of the Covid-19 that struck.

Consequently the central economic area which accounted for 60% of foreign exchange for tourism became like the dead area. Many SMES who have closed even a mat, or they can still look smiling even though the heart is screaming because the cash reserves can only survive in a matter of months. So many of them have to turn the brain in the steering wheel to be able to survive the search for additional income and professional control. There is a profession of Make Up artist (MUA) switch selling fish On Line (OL), there are the handyman's shirts to sell the light food OL, marketing manager becomes the seller of any OL that consumers demand. In fact, in one side of MUA that is indeed more business to many who have a knowledge base is not MUA to turn into a MUA because the behavior of people's life to bring makeup to the house so that it is promising for the perpetrators of MUA as one of the MSME actors. But what the power of the Covid-19 hit them, and MUÃ including the Catagori Risk Level 6. Moreover, SMEs such as eating houses include Risk Level 9, although perhaps people can spend OL, but the behaviour of consumers who also misgivings meeting people (such as Gojek) will choose to cook themselves, so that not a few food stalls are actually hit by this Corona virus. Not to mention the restaurant that sells in the mall, and the mall is closed automatically can not sell. As the research results from BukuWarung the biggest negative impact pandemic Covid-19 Most felt by the SME industry in the restaurant sector, sports & Hobby, and also the building shop. From the data compiled by the startup company, the number of transactions in the restaurant industry fell to 70 percent with revenues down to 80 percent. Some of the examples mentioned above are only a small fraction of the MSME, not imagined by the real impact of the Covid-19.

Several policies from the Government and observations from related institutions regarding the impact of covid and its implications for MSMEs have been and are being carried out and how to cope with the impact of Covid-19 ?. From, JAKARTA - The Program on Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility (SCORE) -International Labor Organization (ILO) Indonesia recorded Covid-19 has a significant impact on companies and small, micro and medium enterprises (MSMEs). SCORE-International Labor Organization (ILO) Indonesia Project Manager, Januar Rustandie explained the survey was conducted on 571 companies in April 2020. "The survey results show difficulties that the company had never faced before due to the pandemic, namely two out of three companies surveyed stopped their operations both temporarily either. and permanent, "he said through an online discussion, Wednesday (3/6/2020). Downloaded June 17, 2020. According to him, income from, JAKARTA - Program on Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility (SCORE) -International Labor Organization (ILO) Indonesia recorded Covid-19 had a significant impact on companies and small, micro, and intermediate (MSMEs).


According to him, the company's revenue dropped dramatically. More than a quarter of the companies surveyed reported loss of more than half of their income. Three percent of the companies surveyed stopped their businesses permanently, with smaller companies bearing a greater crisis burden than larger companies. The company's revenue dropped and 90 percent reported cash flow problems. Meanwhile, around 52 percent of companies saw their revenue disappear by more than 50 percent. The main priority of MSMEs in government assistance is to focus on access to finance and deferral of payments, such as utility bills, social security premiums and taxes. Meanwhile, 63 percent of the companies surveyed had reduced the number of workers and more companies planned to do the same. Millions of Indonesian workers take time off or experience temporary layoffs. "The number of jobs at risk continues to increase due to companies making cuts or closing business activities. At present the company is also making various efforts to survive," he said. He explained about a third of businesses were trying to survive by switching to online businesses. One in five companies diversifies their products to respond to new needs such as masks and sanitation. However, the Covid-19 outbreak hampered business continuity as companies faced shortages of supplies and materials and difficulties in delivering finished products. In addition, a quarter of companies do not have sufficient numbers of workers to carry out their business operations due to restrictions on their activities.

            While news from, JAKARTA, Director of Development of SMEs and Cooperatives of Bappenas, Ahmad Dading Gunadi mentioned one of the causes of declining sales of MSMEs due to changes in the pattern of market consumption behavior towards consumers. " "MSMEs become less active activities. Many people at home so that MSMEs must replace the model with a delivery system directly to consumers no longer gathering somewhere," he said through an online discussion on Wednesday (06/03/2020). Downloaded June 17, 2020. According to him, MSMEs need not be shaken because consumption patterns have changed. He mentioned that there are always opportunities for every change, one of which is by changing business models, such as switching online. "So we have to look at market opportunities for increased MSMEs movement in staple goods related to frozen food, dried food that is increasing or direct delivery which is clearly going to increase," he said. The Balinese are indeed based on a high work ethic with a working culture that is Yadnya which is doing good, so that any work will be done to make a living as a result of this Covid-19

            The results of another survey conducted by the Association for Business Development Services Indonesia (ABDSI). "ABDSI conducted a survey of 6,000 MSMEs in Indonesia, so we want to see that almost all of their sales have declined, and no one can sell them," he said. He mentioned that out of a total of 6,000 respondents or MSMEs who declined to conduct business activities more than 60 percent reached 26.6 percent. Meanwhile, MSMEs that were unable to sell during the Covid-19 pandemic reached 36.7 percent. The 15.0 percent of MSMEs experienced a decline in sales of around 31 to 60 percent of the total respondents, while sales that declined from 10 percent to 30 percent recorded only 14.2 percent. He said that one of the government's steps to accelerate the MSMEs is through the use of technology (digitization) for marketing, distribution, and product modification.

    Other policies in, JAKARTA - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said the execution of the interest subsidy in the MSME sector was highly dependent on the implementation of the restructuring of each customer.

According to him, the amount of interest subsidies given to MSMEs has indeed been calculated by the government. However, the execution of the provision of interest subsidies is closely related to the implementation of the restructuring. Meanwhile, the provision of interest subsidies for MSME debtors is planned to amount to Rp34.15 trillion to 60.66 million accounts.

"And this sometimes takes time and the numbers move according to the speed of the financial institutions restructuring," he said in a virtual press conference of our APBN on Tuesday (6/16/2020). Downloaded 17062020, where fund and interest subsidy as the implementation of the PEN program. In addition to policies in the form of interest rates, the Government will also evaluate micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) empowerment programs, because many are not connected to the digital ecosystem and financing. To help MSMEs who have not been digitally touched, seeing during a pandemic everything inevitably has to go through a digital ecosystem to be able to survive. As stated by the Minister of Cooperatives and MSMEs, Teten Masduki, training in the Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs and in the regions must be reformed. Because a lot of independent training is not connected to the digital ecosystem, so that MSMEs find it difficult to do business online. He claimed to plan to work with various parties including the marketplace to prepare the program 'MEMEs go online'. "Indeed this is apparently not easy, my notes at the Ministry and also e-commerce colleagues, the success of MSMEs online is quite low at 4 - 10 percent," Teten said. So that this situation will automatically increase the success of SMEs in OL.

            Besides that the Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Luhut Pandjaitan said that the tourism sector and the creative economy became one of the sectors that absorbed many MSMEs. The Coordinating Minister Luhut also stated that micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play an important role for the Indonesian economy. "MSMEs has a very large contribution to the Indonesian economy. Our economy is 80 percent supported by domestic consumption. So from the data (Kemenkop SME) can be seen, MSMEs absorb more than 95 percent of the total workforce or more than 115 million people," Luhut said in a virtual discussion, Friday (6/12/2020). Loaded 17062020. Luhut added that MSMEs also contributed to 14.4 percent of the value of non-oil exports, contributed 61 percent of the National GDP, and investment in the MSME sector accounted for 56 percent of the total investment. As a result, with great potential, Menko Luhut hopes that regional heads can support MSME entrepreneurs to continue developing their businesses.

However, on the other hand a different impact was actually felt by several industries that actually reaped the blessings of the Covid-19 pandemic. Such as credit selling business whose revenue increased up to 1000 percent, beauty and health business which increased by 800 percent, logistics which increased by 400 percent, and the laundry industry which increased by 300 percent. (, 11/06/2020) at dounload 06/17/2020.