11/07/2020 Views : 1118

I Made Sugitha



I Made Sugitha

Food Science and Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology

Udayana University


Hp 081337195021


One of Indonesia's traditional foods which is very popular and is liked by the Indonesian people and even foreigners who have lived in Indonesia. The way of making it varies, varies with local materials and habits of the hereditary community. Therefore meatballs are classified as traditional food or Pangan Nusantara . Meatballs are easily found throughout the archipelago, both in villages and cities: districts, districts and provinces that are sold by street vendors, stalls to restaurants.

According to the story of a meatball trader who has a lot of bakso experience, says that the meatballs come from the word Bak and So which means ground pork rounded up like small balls, then develops according to the environment, so the word Bak disappears without meaning. Currently, meatballs are generally made from beef, such as Solo meatballs, Malang meatballs which were originally produced in the area by adopting local food characteristics that are also favored by the people of the archipelago. The existence of these meatballs attracts attention as a means of improving nutrition and public health

Constipation and Health

               Difficult bowel movements  are disorders of digestive metabolism that cause changes in stool consistency to harden, shrink and when bowel movements suffer extreme pain. The frequency is less than 3 times a week, sometimes followed by bloodstains and long lasting results in Ambayen. Food fiber intake of less than 10 g per day is one of the causes of constipation, and if it is increased to 20-35 g / day it can prevent digestive disorders and colon cancer .. Many ways can be done to prevent constipation, for example avoid eating with high levels of fat and sugar, make it a habit to defecate regularly, consume lots of fibrous foods such as vegetables, fruit and seaweed. Dietary fiber (dietary fiber) is also supplied by processed products that contain seaweed raw materials, as well as other important nutritional [1]

Seaweed and its benefits

               Seaweed is one of the plants that grow in the sea or often called algae which is usually processed to produce carrageenan, agar and so on. The hydrocolloid content in Grasilaria and E.cotonii species is needed in making meatballs as an auxiliary agent for gel formation, stabilizers and emulsifying the nutritional components of raw materials. E.cotonii seaweed used in making meatballs is as much as 30% mixed with 70% tapioca, produces meatballs with a chewy texture containing food fiber, can increase water content and volume of added stool (cage), as well as intestinal peristaltic activity to push out feces rectum thus shortening the intestinal transit time and stimulating reflexes for bowel movements. This meatball test was given to experimental mice. A total of 2 g / 200 g mice, equivalent to 600 g meatballs / patient for 2 days, was able to inhibit constipation with an indication that the frequency of bowel movements increased 208% or more than doubled during constipation (Sugitha , et al. 2019 1). This shows that constipation sufferers who have recovered by consuming seaweed meatball (natural constipation medicine) also get better nutrition, rich in iodine and dietary fiber even though the results appear to be longer than the use of synthetic drugs (laxatives). But if the use of synthetic drugs continues to make the body immune, addiction increases sufferers suffer more, while the use of meatballs is actually beneficial.


Good luck !!!


[1]  Sugitha I M., I P. Suparthana dan P.N. samanta., 2019 Fish and Seaweed Meat ball for Reducinng Constivation effects  Poceeding  of THE 2NDInternasional Conference on Biosciences and Medical Engineering (ICBME 2019).