02/06/2020 Views : 374



"Entrepreneurship Anytime and Anywhere" This online workshop in the field of entrepreneurship has been held by aiming to encourage students to start entrepreneurship, accelerate the formation of an entrepreneurial spirit, increase entrepreneurial competence within the frame of the Merdeka and New Economy campuses and become a vehicle for preparing KBMI proposals. The KBMI proposal is a proposal that aims to stimulate students to increase their entrepreneurial efforts. Some of the young speakers invited to the online workshop did not play games, they are young leaders who dare to take high risks, have leadership spirits, and dare to start from zero and use intuition and appropriate strategies in developing their business ventures. So that the online workshop is very important to be considered in the future where these young souls will be directed and not become educated unemployed in the future.

Entrepreneurship is a process of doing something new or creative and different or innovative that provides value and benefits to many people. Entrepreneurship itself comes from the word entrepreneur and business where Wira means warrior, hero, or superior human being, exemplary, virtuous, courageous, and regal in character. The perspective of young entrepreneurs is very important in providing inspiration and motivation for youth and students to be able to have examples or role models in supporting their efforts to start businesses in realizing creative and innovative ideas in adapting to current global challenges.

Fajar Anugerah from Kinara Indonesia, carrying "Design Thinking and Noble Purpose in starting his business. Kinara Indonesia is a partner that has a focus on providing investment in companies that have a social impact to improve the quality of life of lower-class citizens in India and Southeast Asia, while some of its investment portfolios are Ruma (Indonesia), Kalibrr (Philippines), and JanaCare (India). Thinking and noble purpose design explain that entrepreneurship is to solve problems or problems that are not just for style and seeking wealth. The principle of entrepreneurship is where the principle of entrepreneurship is the responsibility to solve a problem the greater the problem and the more innovative or unique solutions that must be laughed at so that it allows the greater business to be developed. Design thinking is an innovation framework, for example, IDEO is a company that focuses on solving problems of a company, where institutions that use design thinking to develop innovations such as Netflix, Airbnb, Brau, Google, or GOV. The UK or the British government. Another example is that the government in New Zealand also designed a thinking design to regulate services in the country. The thinging design steps are empathy (building empathy must see the glasses of people who experience it), Define (building ideas by developing several ideas and no censorship), Ideate (building products by making prototypes, early and inexpensive versions of selected ideas) and Test ( prototype trials with people who have problems and get feedback). That actually the entrepreneur is not just for style or the most. it is important that the entrepreneur is trying to solve a solution or problem. More we can solve increasingly unique problems that can and are solved problems can solve it with unique solutions so we can business we can survive.

Nilam Sari, also known by its full name, Nilam Sari Setiono, was born in Surabaya, 25 November 1981, is one of the Co-Founders of the Turkish Kebab franchise Baba Rafi, he is also a co-owner at Bebek Garang and Voila 360 Communication Commission. In entrepreneurship "Unique selling proposition is a concept used in developing its business. A unique selling proposition is to efficiently and practically make a product, where wrapping food with unique packaging can provide more value in selling products. Not only that in the packaging can also be an advertisement to get value and can be a good collaboration in comparing products. With the co-19 pandemic, many business businesses die, economic turnover is not optimal and the businessman must determine his business development strategy. The business that can survive today is a business that can cut costs or rental costs, employee costs, and operational costs so that by using the concept of unique selling preposition provides solutions to how the business can develop in its own way.

Dayu Dara is a technology-based entrepreneur and founder and CEO. Now he has his own company, a technology-based startup property company called Pinhom, which has only been established for five months. The startup is a business model whose business is unique and different and has never existed before and has a very broad scope. Almost all business startups have the same characteristics, namely utilizing online or online media in marketing their business, Within 5 months Pinhome had approximately 85 employees in half of Indonesia. Pinhome service is a property buying and selling service that consists of an e-commerce or platform company that provides product advertising services. The business model used is the canvas business model. The canvas model business was invented in 2010 by Alexander Osterwalder, a business expert, and consultant who developed in Switzerland. The business concept of this canvas model consists of four quadrants whose aspects consist of Demand aspects, revenue aspects, supply aspects, and cost aspects. This business model can help in thinking in a structured way. The key to success in entrepreneurship is to start and finish where all the crew businesses are small, fail, unknown never stop before succeeding, keep on interacting, and innovating.

Some other concepts carried out by young Indonesian entrepreneurs are "Pitch your Business". Andreas Senjaya is the CEO of IGROW. IGROW is a startup business in the field of application. Pitch is a business presentation technique that is right on target, for example in business presentations, it prioritizes the target of presenting the business with limited time aimed at attracting attention and organizing time prioritizing further discussion. Andreas iGrow is a platform that can connect farmers, landowners, and people who want to invest in agricultural business. Forbes magazine calls this iGrow as FarmVille in the real world. There are 2 types of business presentations, namely Investor Pitch and Customer Pitch. Investors' interests are meeting potential startups. Even though no matter how simple the business means, there is something special, investors are concerned about the founder. If founders who have strong souls if they have ideas that are ordinary can be morphed into evolving businesses that work. In pitching in a prospective investor that is 30-sec pitch, 2 min, when to raise money, how to set up an investor meeting.

A 30-second presentation is enough to tell 3 aspects: 1. What does your company ?. 2. How big is the market? 3. How much traction do you have ?. The function of a 30-second presentation is to attract attention and for deeper discussion with the founder. 2-minute pitching is usually used at events. Many innovations made by startup companies and this can help prospective young entrepreneurs to start a business or business, but behind all that success there is a process that must be passed. They are young innovators who are able to provide uniqueness and solutions. Hopefully, their ideas and creativity can be followed by the younger generation is facing the current global situation.