29/06/2020 Views : 265

Ida Ayu Suryasih

The COVID-19 pandemic has infected more than three million people in 215 countries with 251 thousand dead. Meanwhile, the distribution of COVID-19 data in Indonesia was recorded to have exceeded 12,776 which were tested positive for infection, 2381 patients recovered and 930 patients died. Some countries, especially Indonesia, have implemented various policies to minimize the spread of COVID-19, namely by reducing activities that involve many people. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia urges not to panic, remain alert and productive by holding activities at home called the stay at home policy. Stay at home policy is the government's anticipation that requires every citizen to stay at home for the safety and health of that person.

This stay at home policy requires people to work from home, learn from home and worship from home. Every individual who usually spends time in the office or at school for productive time is now more flexible and flexible in using his time. This of course also increases the amount of free time than it should. Free time is free time, free time that a person has after doing his main tasks, which is called obligation time or productive time (Suryasih, 2019: 5). The concept of free time is often defined as time free from employment (dictionary definition). Leisure in relation to time is also called unoccupied time, spare time, free time, (when free to rest, and free to do what they want). Leisure is a style of behavior, as behavior, leisure can occur in a variety of activities, work, learning processes, and play. Leisure is influenced by several factors, one of which is the age factor. This age can be classified using generation theory.

The generation theory is divided into five according to different age ranges namely Baby Boomers (born 1946-1960), Generation X (born 1961-1980), Generation Y (born 1981-1994), Generation Z (born 1995-2010) and the Alpha generation (born in 2011 to present) (Howe and Strauss, 1991). The pattern of leisure and recreation of each generation is very different depending on many factors. The dominant factor now is the spread of COVID-19. The existence of the virus is able to change the patterns of leisure and recreation generation X, Y and Z.

Generational differences affect patterns of leisure and recreation. Based on the results of research, generation X tends to fill their free time with light exercise, reading, enjoying time with family, watching or reading the news and following the talks, discussions or debates. These recreational activities provide meaning in the form of physical, mental and moral health, education and social care. Whereas Generation Y has similarities between Generation X and Z. Generation Y tends to fill leisure time by listening to music, playing gadgets and games, enjoying time with family, watching or reading news, home shopping, and sports. These recreational activities provide meaning in the form of physical and mental health, education because of gaining knowledge through watching or reading news and social meaning while enjoying time with family. Finally, the Z generation tends to do recreational activities related to technology to fill their free time by listening to music, playing gadgets and games, reading, singing, enjoying time with family and exercising. From these activities, the meaning of recreation is in the form of physical, mental and moral health, education in the form of adding knowledge, increasing skills, and changing attitudes and social meaning obtained through quality time with family at home.