29/06/2020 Views : 219
Anak Agung Princess Sri
Covid 19 first appeared in Wuhan (China) on December 31, 2019 and then March 11, 2020 as a globalized year that was affected by the corona virus so badly shook the world. Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks breathing. Disease caused by this infection is called covid 19 which stands for Co (Corona), Vi (virus), and d (disease means disease), while 19 is the year of its discovery. Hundreds of thousands were exposed to the Covid-19 virus and even tens of thousands died. Countries that have high cases of co-19 exposure are Italy, China, Spain, America and Iran with thousands of deaths. Its transmission is very fast and the difficulty of detecting people who are exposed because the incubation period of covid-19 is approximately two weeks is the cause of many casualties.
Covid-19 can cause respiratory system disorders, acute pneumonia to death. This corona virus attacks humans; children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women, and breastfeeding. The symptoms of covid-19 heat are classified as sadistic because they can be deadly or can cause permanent injury to the lungs of patients who are infected and healed. In general, if there is a fever, flu, cough, and shortness of breath within a certain time limit this is a symptom of Covid-19 disease, then there must be vigilance and good cooperation with family or coworkers during activities in the home, in the room work, and in the community.
The existence of this deadly Covid-19 has captured the world's attention. There are those who handle it very seriously, there are also those who don't want to know, but because day by day the spread is increasing, so the concrete steps that must be taken as an anticipation is to build good cooperation with families, colleagues, and related parties .
Before Covid-19, relatives of the SARS and MERS viruses from animals were transmitted to humans. But covid-19 spreads very fast and even globally not to miss Indonesia including being hit by a corona virus outbreak in March 2020. Some countries abroad apply lockdowns to prevent the spread of corona viruses but Indonesia does not apply lockdowns. The Task Force Expert Team for the Acceleration of Covid Handling 19 Wiku Adi Sasmito stated the reason for not implementing a lockdown or quarantine area because the economy in Indonesia is dominated by people who work relying on daily wages. That is one of the reasons for the government to keep economic activities going. Therefore the government appealed to the community to limit social interaction or social distanding and WFH related to the spread of covid 19.
The spread of covid-19 caused human society to undergo a change. Social change changes in society that affect social systems, including values, attitudes, patterns of behavior among community groups, so that these changes then affect other aspects of the structure of society. Social change has a purpose among which changes are not desired or planned. Like, now the whole world is feared by the corona virus outbreak. Covid-19 is a contagious disease that has the potential to cause public health emergencies. Some of the effects caused as follows.
As a result of the rapid spread of the corona virus students and students are closed until a specified time. Students are not merely closed-door, but they are given the obligation and duty to study at home online, this is an additional task for parents to monitor the development of children's learning at home. Learning activities carried out online force parents to be directly involved. Crowded was discussed on social media regarding the assistance of parents to their unruly children wanting them to return to school. This incident gave awareness to parents that it was not easy to educate a child that required enormous knowledge and patience. In addition, parents must know and be able to apply the use of digital technology that makes people now begin to hang their interactions through cyberspace.
Closing places and tourism facilities for a while, garments, and factories that dismiss employees to break the chain of spread of the covid virus 19. Some companies or factories that dismiss all employees, but some are giving the policy of some employees at home automatically they do not get salary. As a result, the economic situation of the employees or laborers worsened. Although some employees continue to work and have income as usual, the health risks they bear are also very high.
The impact of the corona virus on social life, including the emergence of suspicion and a loss of trust in people around us or who we just know. For example, when we shop at traditional markets or at the super market looking for deserted buyers or visitors. Does the servant come in contact with someone who is infected with the virus or not, whether the officer or servant always wash their hands after a transaction occurs so that doubts arise. Because the virus can spread through intermediaries and survive for up to three days. So that changing conventional shopping habits become online.
When we talk or meet both in the office environment and in the home environment and with the local community we are reluctant to shake hands, even though they are parents, as we teach our children to obey the appeal in meetings or meetings requires that we wear masks , but on the other hand there are also those who do not use masks, even coughing carelessly, this certainly raises suspicion, we sometimes avoid it quickly.
The corona virus has paralyzed the world economy, including Indonesia, as seen in everyday life in the lower middle class such as grocery traders, fish sellers, and vegetable traders.
Some of the solutions made by the government are as follows.
The spread of Covid-19 has moved heads of state to respond quickly and care for the safety of their people. This can be seen from various announcements to dismiss schools, cancel face-to-face lectures, prohibitions from engaging in crowds, including prohibitions to go abroad, both for Umrah, recreation, or just for ordinary visits.
Regulations or policies that have been set by the government are certainly very influential on all sectors, including the economy and social life in society. Based on information in the media that about 50 million people are at risk of losing their jobs due to the effects of the corona virus pandemic, it is difficult to imagine if unemployment occurs then social problems will continue to emerge. However, all of that needs to be underlined that whatever the government does is a form of concern for its people, because prevention is better than cure.