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1.1 Background

Kanceng (Trigona sp) honey bee farming is safe to develop because it is environmentally friendly, does not sting, does not pollute and is easy to adapt to new environments and includes settled bee species (Wardani, 2018). The benefits of cultivating a cleanser include: 1) ecological benefits: the process of pollination by bees in the relationship of feed, 2). economic benefits: products produced in the form of honeycomb, propolis, bee pollen etc., 3). social benefits: as a source of income, opening up business opportunities for the community, objects of research and as regional potential (Septiantina and Krisnawati, 2015)

Based on economic benefits, this activity is included in economic development and public health, through the production of wild bee honey. Its production is less than ordinary honey bees (Apis mellifera), but the properties are much better and the price is also much higher than ordinary honey (Kahono, 2017). The many benefits of honey for health, beauty and others cause the market demand for natural honey and cultivation honey is quite high. In such a situation, cultivation of bee hyacinth, often called klulut bee becomes an option. This little bee does not have a sting, it not only produces honey, but also produces pollen and propolis which have quite high economic value.

Usually the bee honey bee is found in the bamboo segment, perforated weathered trees, the foundation of the house and the foundation of the rebuttal, so it is difficult to take the honey and if the house (the nest) is full, the hare will go looking for a new nest. Therefore it needs to be cultivated and developed. With cultivation we can develop a colony, and harvesting honey is also easy. Wardani (2018) said that the harvesting of dried kanceng can be done 1 to 3 times a year as long as the feed is sufficient, and colony propagation can be done every 6 months.

1.2. Formulation of the problem

Based on the description above, the problem can be formulated how to develop the klanceng honey bee

1.3. Aim

The purpose of developing klanceng honey bees is to increase the number of honey bee colonies, so that the honey produced is increase.


Some of the activities that can be carried out in developing the hermetic bee honey are: making stup (artificial hives), fishing wild colonies in nature to get into the artificial stup, breeding of the bee colonies, graft bee colonies and buying broodstock bee seeds online, move the colonies to artificial stup, and plant the bee hyacinth forage.

2.1. Manufacture of stup (artificial nests)

            Making stup requires a wooden board with a thickness of ± 2 cm wood and nails. Making honeybee stup bee Klanceng sp using dry wood boards with a thickness of ± 2 cm because to maintain humidity and temperature stability in the hive (Kahono, 2017). The size of the stup as follows: width 12 cm, height 13 cm and length 30 cm. one side made a hole for exit and exit Klanceng bees. The stup is made and allowed to stand for 3 days, so that the temperature and humidity conditions in the shel become stable. How to make a Klanceng / Klanceng bee box can be seen on

2.2 Fishing colonies that exist in nature to want to live in artificial stup

       The steps taken are:

1. Prepare stup or can also be a bamboo segment with one of the holes in the book

2. Stick propolis at the entrance

3. Place in a place that is often crossed by a hagger

4. How to lure wild colonies in nature can be witnessed on http: // fishing-ball-klanceng-kelulut.html

2.3 Breeding colonies, split colonies

      The steps taken in solving the colony are as follows:

1. Prepare a bee box for super breeding colonies (healthy colonies and many eggs)

2. Prepare the empty stup to be coupled

3. Connect vertically or horizontally both stups to coincide using a pipette to the entrance of the bee

4. The stup is closed and placed in its original position, check the development of the new colony.

5. Can also be eggs, pollen divided by two (Wardani, 2018)

2.4. Graft Colony

The way to do a colony graft is similar to breaking a colony, it's just that the source of the breed does not come from a box of cultivation, but comes from natural nests that are in difficult places such as: house foundations, house walls, foundation refutations that we may not dismantle to move the colony to stup new. How to do a colony transplant can be witnessed on

2.5 Buy broodstock seeds online

In the beginning, if we have not succeeded in luring wild bees into artificial stup, we can buy several colonies of broodstock seeds online, then breeders are developed. There are a lot of sellers of kanceng seeds, you can buy directly from the seller or buy at Bukalapak, Tokopedia or Bli bli .com.

2.6. Transferring the colony to a new stup

1. Prepare a colony that will be a breed, can come from nature or buy online and also prepare a new nest (empty stup)

2. Open the colony's nest by splitting wood or bamboo

3. The queen bee, and the entire colony and part of the egg including some of the pollen are slowly transferred to the new stup.

4. Close the stup, stick the sap of propolis from the old hive in the hole in and out, so that the bees can recognize the new stup.

5. Bring the old stup to the new stup and leave it for a while until all the worker bees enter the new stup

6. Place the new stup in a place where the location of the old colony is stored so that the worker bees recognize their environment (Wardani, 2018)

            The video moves from bamboo to new stup can be watched on


2.7 Planting flowers producing honey

        The production of honey-producing flowers needs to be done so that the bee gauze produces honey faster. Farmer group members will be given the Bride Tears flower seeds to be planted in the yard. Bride tears flower plants produce nectar as a honey ingredient (Widiantara, 2017). In addition, this plant is very good to add to the beauty of the yard.

Bride Tears Flowers as the Main Feed of Honey Kanceng Klanceng Sp.


Developing bee-shaped honey bee by making artificial stup, luring wild bees into artificial stup, split colonies (breeding), grafted colonies, buying broodstock seeds, and planting honey bee forage plants. The increasing number of colonies and honey produced can improve family health and economy.



http://lebah-  Bunga Air Mata Pengantin Sebagai Pakan Utama Madu Klanceng Klanceng Sp.   Video memindah dari bamboo ke stup baru   Cara Membuat Kotak Lebah Klanceng/Klanceng Proses Mudah Biaya Murah

Kahono, S.  2017.  Pelatihan Budidaya Lebah Madu Klanceng. Pusat Penelitian Zoologi, LIPI. dalam kegiatan “Ekspose Pusat Penelitian Biologi-LIPI” dengan tema “50 Tahun Peran Pusat Penelitian Biologi dalam Pengungkapan dan Pemanfaatan Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia secara Berkelanjutan untuk Kesejahteraan Bangsa”.

Septiantina,  D. R. dan Krisnawati.  2015.  Teknik Budidaya Lebah Madu Klanceng sp.Balai Penelitian Teknologi Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu (BPTHHBK), di Mataram, NTB

Wardani, B. H. 2018.  Panduan singkat Budidaya dan Breeding Lebah Klanceng Sp. Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu,  Lombok Barat, Nusa tenggara Barat.

Widiantara, D. 2017. Cara Jitu Meningkatkan Produksi Madu. Klanceng’s Farmer.