Why the Spread of The Corona Virus in Bali is not as Predicted?

28/06/2020 Views : 414





Anak Agung Made Astiningsih

Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University

               Bali is a tourist destination that is very famous in the world. As you know, foreigners are more familiar with Bali than Indonesia when in fact Bali is part of Indonesia.  Many things support Bali to become a famous tourist area, such as, its natural beauty, cultural uniqueness, friendliness of its  inhabitants, religion etc.  As a result of the many visits to Bali, of course there is an influence for Bali.

               When the,  world  was rocked by the precense of coronaVirus, Covid 19 , Bali was also badly affected.  Inclusion of regions that are highly dependent on tourism that is most affected.  Many hotels, restaurant, attractions are closed because there are no guests coming, due to the airport being closed and so on.

               The mobility of foreigners entering and leaving Bali is vey high, compared to other regions in Indonesia.  Likewise, Balinese who work as PMI (Indonesian Migrant Workers) are very high, where when Covid 19 they return to Bali, of course they are feared to transmit this Covid 19 to Bali.

               By looking at this condition, it can be predicted that Bali  will experience an explosion in the transmission of Covid 19.  But in really, this condition does not occur.  According to Kompas.co.the number of Covid 19 cases per May 26 ia as follows.  Jakarta 6798 cases, East Java 3943 cases, South Sulawesi 1352 cases, West Java 2130 cases, Central Java 1315 cases, South Kalimantan 630 cases, South Sumatra 868 cases, Papua 567 cases, North Sumatra 315 cases, NTB 488 cases and Bali 487 cases.  Furthermore according to Tirto.id data on the number of Covid19 case in Indonesia  as of  19 June 2020 as follows: Jakarta 9655 cases, East Java 9057 cases, South Sulawesi 3573 cases, West Java 2805 cases, Cntral Java 2471 cases, South Kalimantan 2392 cases, south Sumatra 1680 Cases, Papua 1368 cases, North Sumatra 1024 cases, NTB 1022 cases and Bali 976 cases. What causes the case that occurred in Bali is not as feared?

               As is known Corona Covid19 virus is spread through droplets (positive sneezing fluid) so that it has a great chance of contracting in closed spaces especially in air-conditioned rooms.  Ways of preventing the spread of Covid 19 that the government recommends are, frequent hand whasing, keep  a distance, wear masks, and just at home.

Wash your hands, with a mask and at hpme only

               In Bali the custom is very strong,  Banjar in Bali, in order places equivalent to  and RW, has a number of customary / highly respected adat chiefs.  If it is the custom that orders to wear a mask, the Banjar members will obey.  Banjar security is traditionally administered by Pecalang, whose members are  drawn from banjar members.  Well here the Pecalang is very instrumental to oversee  the obidience of  banjar members, to wear masks and at home.

               For the matter of hand washing, the banjar also plays an important role, so that in public places,there are many places to wash hands provided by the banjar.  Likewise for matters relating to the instalation  of banners the prevention of corona is also handled by the banjar in accordance with government instructions.

Maintain a distance

In connection with maintaining this distance, a number of things that support, can be seen in the lives of people in Bali:

1.      Balinese house layout, has good aircirculation, this does not provide an opportunity for the virus to develop

In Bali it is kown by the Trimandala concept which concists of the Main Mandala, Madya Mandala and Nista Mandala.  Most residential places of family activities take place in MADYA Mandala.  In this Mandala Madya the location of the building is arranged in such a way that the percentage of Green Open Space is very high compared to the percentage of the building.  Existing buildings are separated, such as Bale Daja, Bale Dangin, Dapur dan Bale Dauh, so that the gathering of the whole family in one building is very little chance.  Because a spacious and comfortable home is also supportive, the community to stay at home.

2.      There is a bengang ( rice field) between villages and other villages as a virus filter before entering a neighboring village.

3.      Balinese prayers (Temples) in general are in open space, because the open space the chance of the virus to be exposed to sunlight is very large, so the virus will be inactive before it hits someone else.

4.      Public transportation is rare in Bali, private transportation such as motorbikes are very dominant,so that crowd/physical contact on public transport can be avoided

5.      Traditional markets are mostly outdoor, although in the room, traders and buyers are very obedient to wearing masks

The biggest contributor to positive people Covid 19 is lagerly the possibility of people in urban areas whose homes are incompatible with the layout of Balinese homes, due to the limited land owned.

               From the description above, tis is roughly wahat caused the spread of Covid 19 not to spread freely, which can cause a high explosion in Bali even though Bali is an international traffic because it is a world tourism destination.


               Spatial planning of houses, inter-village spatial planning, prayer houses or temple, public transportation, traditional markets and community observance of washing hands, wearing masks and staying at home, the role of Indigenous Villages causes the spread of the virus not in accordance with predictions.

