Never Abstinence to Manage and Monitor Environment During Covid-19 Pandemic
01/07/2020 Views : 617
Many believe that the environmental
conditions during Covid-19 pandemic have dramatically improved, at least the
air quality seems to be visibly improved, the water is clearer without the
presence of garbage and other pollutants, traffic congestion is increasingly
decrease, the presence of wildlife in public area that had seemed to hide
because of a sense less comfortable in their previous habitat, as well as other
indicators that make us a little relieved. This was also
clearly stated by the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya
who said that the Covid-19 pandemic provided valuable lessons for humans to
maintain the balance of nature, where global N02 concentrations
declined by almost 30 percent, the KLHK air quality monitoring station noted a
significant reduction in the concentration of PM 2.5 (particulate matters) in
various cities, even during the 2 months of applying the PSBB there was a 45
percent decrease in PM 2.5 concentration in Jakarta City. Behind all the
blessings on improving environmental conditions, we should not be lulled by
this gift of nature, because it is only temporary, and will begin to look back
in the adaptation of new habits.
Despite the drastic decline in the type and volume of activities during the Covid 19 pandemic, efforts to minimize, avoid or eliminate the negative environmental impacts that possibly occur must still be fully managed. In order to optimize the efforts to manage negative impacts that arise, one among programs carried out by the proponent is through environmental monitoring efforts, where the results of this monitoring will be used as feedback on the success of the management program that has been carried out.
main purpose of environmental monitoring is to find out early and accurately
the changes in the quality of the environment as a result of activities, so
that appropriate management can be sought, in creating a balance of
environmental elements. Furthermore,
the monitoring activities is also intended to find out the effectiveness and
efficiency of the implementation of environmental management, so that there is
no waste of energy, resources and other costs, and to follow the applicable
provisions on environmental monitoring, so that the initiator of the activity
does not violate the provisions has been outlined by the government.
An impact evaluation study in an
environmental document has formulated significant impacts that need to be
managed in relation to each business. This is in accordance with the mandate of
Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, which
among others states the need for the implementation of environmental management
to create a balance between environmental components as an effort to realize
sustainable development, and will be a reference for every effort in carrying
out environmental management, so that environmental sustainability can be
maintained. This is confirmed again in the
Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of
Indonesia No. P.26 / MENLHK / SETJEN / KUM.1 / 7/2018 Concerning Guidelines for
the Preparation and Evaluation and Inspection of Environmental Documents in the
Implementation of Electronically Integrated Business Licensing Services,
Inspection of Environmental Documents and Issuance of Environmental Permits.