30/06/2020 Views : 800

I Made Adnyana



Professor of Agriculture Faculty of Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali

The facts on the field show that the developmeny of tourism sector and other development sectors on one side contributed significantly to the economy. However, on the other hand the commercialism that brings out excessive tourism causes the agricultural lands to exchange into functions without considering sustainability and environmental aesthetics thoroughly. In addition, the development of tourism causes the need for a loss to meet the needs of physical and social infrastructures in the community is also inevitable so that it needs the arrangement and arrangement in such a way as not threatening environmental sustainability. Increased territorial needs will inevitably have to be anticipated. The tendency to put forward the favorite tourism sector has proved in various other places as the root cause of the environment that is not balanced, the beauty and aesthetics of the environment threatened, and the development of unsustainable. Therefore, it is necessary to identify agricultural lands (either rice fields or non-paddy fields) that must be preserved as sustainable agricultural land, should not be converted with comprehensive considerations ranging from geographical aspects and strategic location, Social-economi-culture, potency and natural suitability, environmental aesthetics, nice view, and others.

                        Prevention of agricultural land to non-agricultural function has been arranged in:

1. Indonesia Government Law No. 41 year 2009, on sustainable agricultural land protection

2. Regulation of the Minister of the Interior No. 5 of 1974, contains the provisions for land provision for non-government

3. Presidential Decree No. 53 of 1989, contains the provisions of the development of industrial areas in conjunction with agricultural areas

4. Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian/head of BPN No. 2 year 1993, contains the granting of location permits for non-agricultural activities

5. Circular letter of the Minister of Agrarian/head of BPN N0 410-2261 year 1994, contains the prevention of land use technical irrigated fields for non-land use.

Head of the provincial Agriculture and Food Security Office of Bali, on the daily Balipost, January 2020, said that the average per year in the province of Bali has occurred change over the function of land area of 700 ha., that is from agricultural land to non agricultural.  The main causes of land function are for settlements, commercial and office areas, as well as for tourism areas (, accessed on 29 June 2020). This means that there has been a worrying change in land function so that the effort is needed structured and systematic effort to prevent the cause of the land function to preserve the nature of Bali

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