30/07/2020 Views : 164

I Nyoman Dibia

The yard in question is the empty space around the house. In general, the Balinese, especially those who are Hindu in building their houses, always pay attention to "hasta bumi" (layout), kosala kosala asta which is based on "Tri hita karana" so that the slightest place in the building will leave little space around his house not to place a place of worship (rebuttal). Therefore it is still possible to grow plants around the house.

Before the government program related to food security and food sovereignty, Hindu communities in Bali usually decorate their own limited yards by planting plants that are useful for ritual purposes (making canang sari and other ceremonial equipment. At least in every yard there must be a type of flower plant flowers such as roses, Japanese, jasmine, jempiring, plawa (types of croton), sugar cane, and so on.

Since 2017 the Ministry of Agriculture through the Provincial Agriculture Office has focused more on previous programs related to community food security by launching the abbreviated program "Sustainable Food Estate Areas" (KRPL). The KRPL program model is specifically for groups of housewives. So from 2017 each house yard of mothers who are members of the KRPL group are required to plant other types of vegetables such as: green vegetables, pacoi, chili tomatoes, eggplants, and types of fruit plants such as guava water, guava, lemon, papaya and so on. It is also recommended to plant types of toga plants such as sembung leaves, god leaves, ginger, kencur, and other types of meeting. For houses that have narrow (small) yards, they can plant in pots in the form of vegetables in pots or tabulampot.

The benefits that can be obtained by yard intensification include: 1) can provide beauty and coolness to the home environment; 2) if planting directly on the ground will be able to function as a granary / water savings; 3) vegetable / fruit crops can be enjoyed to increase family nutrition; 4) can function as a live pharmacy; 5) the flowers produced especially for Hindus can be used for means of worship / worship facilities.

Some of the problems / complaints that are often conveyed by mothers of the KRPL group are plants in potted plants that are infertile, many die and are often attacked by pests and plant diseases such as aphids, caterpillars, grasshoppers, curly viral diseases, wilting diseases, and so on . After observing it turns out that several causes of death and infertility of plants grown in pots include: poor planting media, lack or excess water, lack of care such as pruning branches, cleaning weeds, controlling pests and diseases and so on. But for group members who have succeeded, they can really benefit from the intensification of the yard. They can pick fresh vegetables in the yard and the house becomes cooler.