26/06/2020 Views : 112



I Nyoman Sutedja

 Agroecotechnology Study Program,  Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University.


 Coffee is a strategic commodity that has high economic and ecological value. There are two types of coffee plants that are commonly cultivated by most coffee farmers, namely arabica and robusta. Arabica dominant type is planted by farmers in tropical countries at an altitude of 800-1500 m above sea level while Robusta in the lowlands 400-800 m above sea level. Both of these types of coffee are in farmers' gardens Pupuan sub-district Tabanan Regency also planted on sloping lands functioned as a conservation plant, in addition to functioning as an economical plant. Ecologically the coffee plant has the ability to prevent erosion with a surface flow of 3.0% which has a function similar to forest vegetation that is equal to 2.5%. The economical role of coffee plants can be increased as a source of income and foreign exchange, it requires good cultivation techniques in increasing productivity and quality of production. One of the cultivation techniques is by managing the right shade plants. Shade can directly optimize sunlight, temperature, humidity, wind and can indirectly maintain soil moisture.

               Selection of good shade plants for growth and coffee production processes, among others (1) derived from legume species, (2) able to produce a lot of organic material, (3) has deep roots and not too much smping, (4) easily regulated periodic, (5) does not host pests and diseases, (6) it grows rapidly, (7) it has many branches, (8) it can prune pruning, and (9) it is not easily broken by the wind. 

              Based on the study described above it turns out that management of coffee plantation shade plants implemented in the Pupuan sub-district of Tabanan district has been done correctly and correctly but needs to be supported by the right season data, so that it will be able to: (1) optimize land use, reduce erosion, improve seed or entres quality and increase response fertilizer (2) can reduce the attack of branch powder (Xylosandrus morstatti), coffee lice infestation (Pseudococcus citri) and leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix Br.) (3) can increase the formation of flower primordia, reduce fruit fluctuations, deciduous fruit and as a regulator of coffee crop production 

          In carrying out management of coffee shade plants, it should be noted and carried out continuously periodically in accordance with the season, environment and conditions of growth of coffee plants.