29/06/2020 Views : 738

Ni Putu Eka Leliqia

    COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a coronavirus. This disease has become a pandemic in many countries around the world (WHO, 2020). In Indonesia, COVID-19 patients have reached over 50 thousand. But until now, there has been no cure for COVID-19. Various information on how to reduce the risk of being infected by COVID-19 have been disseminated by the Government. One of them is to maintain your immune system. There are medicinal plants that are recommended by BPOM to maintain immune system, namely Andrographis paniculata (bitter herbs), seed-under-leaf, Javanese turmeric, turmeric, and ginger (BPOM, 2020). In the New Normal guidelines issued by BPOM [2020], the ingredients of the herbs and its preparation have been explained. Effects of herbal medicines on the immune system will be explained further through several studies that have been conducted.

     Andrographis paniculata contains andrographolide which can improve the function of the body's defense system such as white blood cells to attack bacteria and other antigens (Alkandahri, et al., 2018). Seed-under-leaf (Phyllanthus niruri) can increase the activity of phagocytes and antibodies to stimulate the phagocytic process by macrophages (Eze et al., 2014). Clinical study in pediatric patients (2-14 years) who suffer from chickenpox, showed that P. niruri extract is useful for accelerating the healing process (Sarisetyaningtyas, et al., 2016). Research Tjandrawinata et al. [2017] also proves that this extract can provide a defense reaction involving the cellular immune system against pathogens. Javanese turmeric (Curcuma zanthorrhiza) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) contain curcumin as an active ingredient that has been shown to have an immunomodulatory effect [Yadav et al., 2005]. Research conducted by Zhou et al. (2005) revealed that ginger (Zingiber officinale) essential oil affects cell-mediated immune responses and specific proliferation of T lymphocytes.

     The medicinal herbs described above are not drugs for COVID-19, but can maintain the immune system. However, it should be noted that although the herbal medicine consumed comes from herbal ingredients, it has the possibility of side effects/adverse effects, so it does not guarantee its safety when misused. There are several things to look out for before consuming these herbs, such as allergic reactions, the amount used, subjects who consume herbs (pregnant women, children, the elderly), and others. Herbal medicine can be beneficial if used appropriately.


Ni Putu Eka Leliqia (email: eka_leliqia@unud.ac.id)





Alkandahri MY, Subarnas A, Berbudi A. 2018. Review: Aktivitas Immunomodulator Tanaman Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees). Farmaka, 16 (3): 16-21

BPOM. 2020. Serba Covid: Cegah Covid 19 Sehat untuk Semua. Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan. Jakarta.

Sarisetyaningtyas PV, Hadinegoro SR, Munasir Z.  2006. Randomized Controlled Trial of Phyllanthus niruri Linn extract. Paediatr Indones, 46: 77-81

WHO. 2020. https://www.who.int/indonesia/news/novel-coronavirus/qa-for-public

Yadav VS, Mishra KP, Singh DP, Mehrotra S, and Singh VK. 2005. Immunomodulatory Effects of Curcumin. Journal Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 27(3): 485-97

Zhou H, Deng Y, and Xie Q. 2006. The Modulatory Effects of The Volatile Oil of Ginger on The Cellular Immune Response In Vitro and In Vivo In Mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 21;105(1-2):301-5.