30/06/2020 Views : 208

Dwi Ariani Yulihastuti

Salmonella sp, is one of the pathogenic bacteria that can cause disease in humans. Salmonella infection is still a big problem (Momani, et al. 2018), because Salmonellosis outbreaks can occur in unhygienic food media often and humans do not pay attention to them. Salmonellosis is a disease caused by infection with Salmonella bacteria in the stomach or intestine. The symptoms arising from Salmonellosis are nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, severe diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever and headaches.

Salmonella sp. known as intestinal bacteria, so that if there is a bacterial discharge (shedding) from livestock suffering from salmoleosis, cloaca will be passed by feces as a result of bacteria can be found in the area (Afifah, 2013). The eggs produced by the reproductive system will also pass through the cloaca when removed from the body. So it is very likely that the eggs will be contaminated with Salmonella sp. Eggs taken directly from breeders, there are still feces and blood spots from attached chicken. These factors cause eggshells and egg yolks to be contaminated by Salmonella sp bacteria (Arisnawati. Y and A. Susanto. 2017).

To anticipate the presence of Salmonella in food products derived from livestock, there are several ways that are done by farmers, namely providing feed from ingredients that contain antibacterial such as providing synthetic antibiotics or natural antibiotics. Feeding containing natural antibiotics has been tested such as the addition of phytobiotics in combination with Torbangun (Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) spreng) leaves, Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) and Mimba (Azadirachta indica). This research resulted in the quality of broilers that remain healthy which is characterized by the standard weight of the chicken without experiencing growth disturbance. (Arrahman, 2018). This indicates that the addition of a combination of natural antibiotics can prevent broiler chickens from developing Salmonellosis which can affect the growth of chickens and can reduce the body's immune system (immune suppression) so that it can cause chicken death.

The presence and growth of Salmonella bacteria can also be inhibited by giving neem seed extract (Azadirachta indica). This research has been carried out by Ambarwati (2007), the results of which indicate that the administration of neem seed extracts is able to inhibit the growth of Salmonella in vitro.

        In addition to providing natural ingredients, Salmonella sp growth can also be inhibited by ultraviolet irradiation treatment for 25 minutes. Salmonella sp bacteria were exposed to UV for 25 minutes at a distance of 10 cm, then the bacteria were tested directly on ducks orally. The ducks are then maintained for 4 weeks and each week a cloaca swab test and blood test are performed. The results showed that Salmonella sp which had been exposed to ultraviolet light for 25 minutes showed a decrease in the number of bacteria in vitro and the best hematological conditions of ducks (Yulihastuti. D.A and Kawuri.R, 2019).

        Animal products such as eggs and meat are also vulnerable to Salmonella sp contamination (Darmayani. S et al. 2017). Efforts that can be made to prevent contamination and negative effects of Salmonella sp are by washing the product thoroughly, storing it in the refrigerator and heating it during the processing or processing until completely cooked. Wahyuningsih's . E et al (2019 research that thewashing process in eggs will minimize bacterial contamination that can occur due to residual feces (dirt) and blood attached to the egg shell when removed through the cloaca. Optimal egg storage at temperatures 12-15 0C and humidity 70-80%. Can be stored in the refrigerator or in an air-conditioned room. This storage will be able to inhibit the growth of Salmonella sp (Afifah, N. 2013).

        Salmonella contamination of fresh meat can be caused by equipment and handling by cutters or sellers that are less hygienic. For this reason, if we are going to process fresh meat, we must choose fresh meat that is not rotten, then wash it under running water until it is completely clean. Storage of fresh chicken meat in plastic packaging in the freezer (freezer) with a temperature of 4 0C for 6 days is still good for physical and organoleptic consumption (Jaelani. A., Siti.D., Wanda. 2014).

        Our efforts by selecting raw materials that are free from contamination and providing washing, storage and heat treatment during processing (cooking until fully cooked), are expected to minimize the occurrence of health problems caused by Salmonellosis in those who consume them.