Quality of Learning Subjects as Implementation of Educational Standards

14/01/2021 Views : 239

I Gusti Ayu Made Srinadi

Quality of Learning Subjects as Implementation of Educational Standards

By: I Gusti Ayu Made Srinadi dan Desak Putu Eka Nilakusmawati

        National education standards are interrelated, content standards, processes, and learning assessments are carried out at the same time in course learning. Subject Learning Achievement (CPMK) is determined to include attitudes, knowledge and skills that are expected to be mastered by students after completing the learning of these subjects. Those must be considered in learning courses include four criteria, namely Planning, Implementation of the Learning Process, Learning Evaluation / Assessment, and the Impact of the Learning Process on Student Skills. Regarding student assessment of the course quality, describing the implementation of Education Standards at the Faculty or Study Program level, in this case in the FMIPA Udayana University environment.

        The learning process is said to be of good quality if there is a match between the expected learning process and the real learning process received. In order to be able to create a quality culture in the learning process, it is very important to know how students perceive the quality of the learning process. This study aims to determine students' perceptions of planning, implementation, assessment, and the impact of the learning process on student skills and the dominant indicators of each criterion.

        Data is recorded through a questionnaire with students as respondents to provide an assessment of lecturer or course learning. A student can fill out more than one questionnaire according to the number of lecturers or courses being assessed. Six undergraduate study programs in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unud, about 125 lecturers or courses with a total of  2077 questionnaires provide an assessment of the quality of learning. To achieve the research objectives, the analysis used was explanatory factor analysis by paying attention to the four criteria in learning.

        The learning process indicators are measured according to the comparison of the student's assessment score against the maximum score of the Likert scale used in this study, namely 1 (very dissatisfied), 2 (dissatisfied), 3 (quite satisfied), 4 (satisfied), 5 ( very satisfied). The assessment of undergraduate students of FMIPA on course learning, with the comparison score against the maximum score on indicators of learning planning, learning implementation, learning assessment, and learning impact on student skills with an average of 0.853 consecutively; 0.842; 0.814, and 0.824; with the global average for all indicators of 0.837. This value shows that Udayana University students are satisfied with the learning process of subjects at FMIPA with a satisfaction level of 83.7%.  

        The dominant indicator in planning is the delivery of course learning objectives. The dominant indicator in the implementation of learning is the use of learning methods that can increase interaction between students and interaction between lecturers and students. The dominant indicator for the learning assessment factor is the information on the exam grid and the details of the lecturer's assignments, and for the impact of the learning process on student skills, the dominant indicator is learning activities, requires students to build new ideas and understandings using various sources of information.