28/06/2020 Views : 277


Covid-19 is a disease caused by the corona virus, which has not yet been found vaccines and drugs. It really worries the world because the spread of this virus is very fast and does not hesitate to kill humans. The commotion in the world where from January until now the case is still increasing. When the superpower country  was made defeated by the corona virus. Many cases and deaths are caused by corona virus throughout the world. Appalling the universe and its contents. Many efforts can be done in accordance with what is requested by the government, to conduct self-protection against corona viruses such as social distance, wearing masks, taking hands as often as possible, exercising, thinking positively and buying healthy food and drinks.

One example of healthy drinks that can increase body immunity is red rice tea. This drink is made from Balinese red rice varieties native to the Balinese species, sent in Jati Luwih village which is cultivated organically. Where Jati Luwih  Village is an area that was developed as an ecotourism village with a characteristic red Balinese rice. This rice tea contains many vitamins such as vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin E, contains many minerals, contains anthocyanins, contains phytochemicals such as folifenol, contains antioxidants, contains high fiber.

High vitamin A content in red rice tea functions as an antioxidant that can protect the human system (immune system). The role of vitamin A in the maintenance of epithelial cells, where epithelial cells are one of the tissues involved in non-specific protective functions. Vitamin E or α-tocopherol have an important role in erythrocyte membrane and plasma lipoprotein, this vitamin can support cell coordination because vitamin E has a phenol ring that can supply hydrogen ions to free radicals.

The total concentration of phenolics in red rice tea is positively correlated with antioxidant activity. Phenolic and starch make the complex part of starch which is hydrolyzed normally by digestive enzymes unknown. It can also prevent other diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other anti-aging treatments. The human body can neutralize free radicals if it is not excessive, with endogenous defense protection. Because endogenous antioxidants are inadequate, the body needs antioxidants from food and drinks.


If you consume red rice tea which is rich in antioxidants, these antioxidants can ward off free radicals that come from inside and outside the body such as from foods that contain pesticide residues, from other pollutants. Free radicals in the body will be bound by antioxidants so that they are no longer radicals. So that the immunity in the body can increase. Besides these antioxidants can also prevent other diseases such as cancer, coronary heart disease and others. The red rice is also rich in fiber, where high fiber content can reduce weight. Foods with high fiber will provide a feeling of fullness thereby reducing food consumption. Foods with high crude fiber content usually contain low calories, low sugar and fat levels can help reduce the occurrence of obesity, reduce sugar absorption, reduce cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

Let's consume healthy foods and drinks to increase the body's immunity to be free from co-19. Consuming the red rice means that it supports organic farming in Jati Luwih and helps preserve local species of Bali and at the same time creates clear and green Bali, organic Bali and sustainable development in Bali, Indonesia and the world.