What's Behind the Displacement Discourse of a National Capital: This Opinion of Indonesian Twitter Users

22/06/2020 Views : 284

I Wayan Santiyasa

The Government's Reason Behind the Transfer of the National Capital?

The relocation of the location of the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia is the hottest issue at the moment. Efforts to relocate the capital of Indonesia began in 2019 during the presidency of Joko Widodo, in his decision to move the national capital outside of Java, where previously the location of the capital was originally the Province of DKI Jakarta to Sharpen the Market North, Kutai Kartanegara East Kalimantan. The relocation of this capital city is contained in the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2020-2024 (Media, 2019). In addition to general reasons namely socio-economic considerations, economic considerations, and political considerations. the selection of a new location for the capital city, the area in Penajam Paser Utara to become the location of a new capital city, is the small risk of natural disasters in the region, and also looks at the experience of several countries in the world that have moved their capital (Hutasoit, 2018). With the relocation of the location of the capital it has economic impacts such as the growth of the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) both in the provincial area designated as the new and national capital area. (Bappenas, 2019). But from the statements and decisions of the government regarding the relocation of this location there are pros and cons among the people of Indonesia, especially Twitter social media users. Twitter itself is an online social networking and microblogging service that allows users to send and read text-based messages of up to 280 characters known as tweets (Twitter, 2019). Twitter users in Indonesia currently ranks 5th largest Twitter user in the world, based on data from PT Bakrie Telecom, has 19.5 million users in Indonesia from a total of 500 million global users (Kominfo, 2019). The high proportion of the Twitter user community in Indonesia is often used as a reference data in conducting sentiment analysis of policies issued by the government to measure the level of public acceptance of government policy acceptance.

Does the Community Understand the Capital Displacement Discourse?

Of the 481 tweets related to the discourse of moving the national capital delivered by Twitter users in Indonesia, there are pros and cons to the discourse with a negative opinion percentage of 51.82%. Does this number indicate rejection? Likewise with those who give tweets with positive opinions do they mean agree ?. This is not certain and needs to be studied in more depth. There is a possibility that this opinion arises because our society has not received clear information related to the discourse of moving the country's capital. These figures can be used as a pre-test of government discourse related to the relocation of the nation's capital. What needs to be done by the government under the leadership of President Joko Widodo is to conduct a comprehensive and comprehensive socialization to the public from various layers so that they have a clear understanding of the discourse of moving the national capital from Jakarta to Panajam Pasar Utara, Kutai Kartanegara East Kalimantan. How big are the positive impacts and what are the negative impacts so that the adult community can put a mess on the government properly and not be influenced by the thoughts of other parties.