Potential Loss of Role of Insects and Crabs in Modern Irrigation Channels

28/06/2020 Views : 215

Ida Bagus Made Suaskara

The development of science and technology has an impact on changes in all sectors, not least in agriculture. Development in agriculture is aimed at improving the standard of living of farmers. One way to modernize irrigation channels, use of superior seeds and pesticides. The modernization of irrigation canals aims to regulate the equitable distribution of water for subak manners. The use of superior seeds aims to enable farmers to harvest three times a year, so that rice production increases. Therefore, the community seeks to increase production by implementing a three-year cropping pattern as long as the water supply is adequate. The use of pesticides aims to eradicate rice pest. At first all expectations are in accordance with reality. This is because the chains and food webs are still functioning. This means that the influence of the use of pesticides has not shown a bad effect because it has not accumulated in the environment. Irrigation modernization has not yet appeared to affect the habitat of insects, aquatic animals, grass and shrubs. However, over time the use of organic pesticides and fertilizers is increasingly intensive and the modernization of irrigation channels has a bad influence on insects and animals and soil fertility aggregates.              
               The modernization of irrigation canals has a bad influence on the development of insects and crabs. Modern irrigation channels will eliminate the crab's place to make a home as well as a place of reproduction and eliminate the growth of grass and bushes. We all know that crab holes provide great benefits to the sustainability of biological processes in aquatic ecosystems, such as: distributing oxygen in the soil, larvae as a food source for carnivorous fish, helping the carbon life cycle, and as a decoder capable of providing nutrients for plants. Irrigation modernization will also eliminate the place where grass and bushes grow on the banks of the irrigation channel.
               The loss of grass and shrubs causes the growth of insects such as dragonflies to be disrupted. Bush or grass is a place to lay eggs for dragonflies and a place to sunbathe. We all know that dragonflies have a role as bio-indicators of the environment. Dragonflies can be used as indicators of water. Dragonflies lay eggs in water then become nymphs. Dragonfly nymphs are very sensitive to water pollution so that it helps know which water is polluted and not polluted. Important role in the agricultural ecosystem, because adult dragonflies can be predators. The role of dragonfly predators can eat pests such as plant hopper and aphids. Mosquitoes also become food from dragonflies.
               In addition to the type of dragonfly that is disturbed there are also other insects whose lives are disrupted, namely the type of spider. The spider places its nest between bushes close to the water. Spiders have a role as natural enemies of rice plant pests. So the modernization of irrigation canals has the potential to eliminate the role of some insects and crabs in terms of biological aspects in rice fields.