29/06/2020 Views : 271

Putu Suardana


P. Suardana (e-mail: suardanaputu@unud.ac.id)

Physics Study Program



        Global warming is also called a climate emergency or climate crisis is a process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, ocean, and landmass of the Earth due to trapping heat by greenhouse gases which is often called the greenhouse effect. According to simulation calculations, the greenhouse effect has increased the earth's average temperature by 1-5 degrees Celsius. If the tendency to increase greenhouse gases remains as they are now it will cause an increase in global warming between 1.5-4.5 degrees Celsius around 2030. Global warming is causing extreme climate change on earth. This can result in disruption of forests and agricultural areas, as well as other ecosystems, thereby reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Global warming also causes melting of icebergs in the polar regions which can lead to rising sea levels so that several small islands sink in the island nation.
            The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) estimates that there will be an increase in air temperature in Indonesia by 0.5 oC in 2030. In addition to rising temperatures, drought cases will also increase on the southern part of Sumatra Island, most of Java, Madura, Bali , West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), to East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) in 2030. Conversely in the rainy season, the amount of heavy to extreme rain also tends to increase by 40% compared to the present.
            Solar energy that illuminates the Earth is mostly in the form of shortwave radiation, including visible light. When this energy arrives at the surface of the Earth, it changes from light to heat that warms the Earth. The surface of the Earth, will absorb some of the heat and reflect the rest. Some of this heat is in the form of long-wave infrared radiation into space, so that some of the heat remains trapped in the Earth's atmosphere, due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and methane (CH4) which trap this radiation wave. These gases absorb and reflect back the radiation waves emitted by the Earth and as a result the heat will be stored on the surface of the Earth. This situation occurs continuously, resulting in an average annual temperature of the Earth continues to rise. These gases function like gases in a greenhouse. As the concentration of these gases increases in the atmosphere, more heat is trapped below.
            The natural greenhouse effect is very much needed by life on earth, because without this natural greenhouse effect, the planet would be very cold. With an average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, the earth is actually 33 degrees Celsius hotter than the original temperature, if there is no greenhouse effect the earth's temperature is only -18 degrees Celsius so that the ice will cover the entire surface of the Earth. But on the contrary, if the greenhouse gases are already excessive in the atmosphere, it will cause global warming.
          The main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane gas and nitrogen oxides (N2O). At present, based on data from Indonesia's Environmental Statistics in 2017 the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is around 383 ppm (parts per million) or around 0.0383 percent of atmospheric volume, while methane gas and nitrogen dioxide are respectively 1,745 ppb and 314 ppb (part per billion) or around 0,000175 percent and 0,0000314 percent of atmospheric volume. Although in terms of the highest concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, its potential to create global warming (Global Warming Potential) is the smallest, different from nitrogen oxides which have the highest potential to create global warming, which is 310 times that of carbon dioxide and methane gas has 21 times the potential carbon dioxide produces global warming. In addition, unlike carbon dioxide, methane gas cannot be absorbed by plant chlorophyll. This is what makes methane gas the center of attention for researchers.
                With the potential of methane gas in greenhouse gases as mentioned above, methane gas must be specifically controlled. Methane gas can come from various sources, one of which is from the process of decomposing organic waste. Methane gas from organic waste originating from home and livestock industries has not received serious attention. Indonesian Environmental Statistics Data for 2017 currently big cities in Indonesia produce organic waste an average of about 962 m3 per day which products of greenhouse gas emissions from the organic waste sector produce 94.64% is methane gas.
                To reduce the impact of methane gas hazards, efforts can be made to utilize methane gas as an alternative fuel source. For example by handling the organic waste through the fermentation process in a digester tube so as to produce biogas as cooking fuel and for electrical energy sources. In addition, the waste from this fermentation process can be used as organic fertilizer. Thus in addition to being able to reduce methane gas levels in the atmosphere which causes the greenhouse effect which is a trigger for global warming, handling organic waste also produces biogas which can be used as fuel for cooking and as a source of electrical energy.

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