The Impact of Radioactive Content on Water on Health
29/06/2020 Views : 250
It is undeniable that water is a vital necessity for
all living things on the surface of the earth. We know that sometimes we
observe that river water has changed its function as a landfill, industrial
waste and household waste and this is what causes river water quality decreases
and if this water is consumed by humans it can cause some environmental
diseases, namely diseases by parasites, by bacteria, viruses and environmental
diseases. In current conditions where human activities increase with the use of
radiation in various fields which will certainly increase the presence of
environmental radioactivity even though natural environmental radioactivity has
existed since the formation of this earth. The increasing level of
environmental radioactivity is caused by industrial activities and the
discharge of various types of waste including radiation waste. Thus every
activity / activity that we do turns out to start from us and its effects on
humans, especially the impact on the health of our bodies. It turns out that
life's comfort is largely determined by the quality of the environment that
supports human survival. Environmental quality is a balance between natural resources
and the results of human activities.
As we know that our body consists of
approximately 70 percent water. If there is an interaction between water and
radioactive elements it will cause ionization and in the ionization will appear
free radicals that is a particle that is not compounded with oxygen and these
ions in the body will be toxic. The presence / entry of radioactive elements
into our bodies whether through air or water will eventually cause illness.
Given that radioactive substances can cause a variety of biological damage both
directly and indirectly. There are several radioactive elements that have an
impact on the health of our bodies including metal elements if these elements
exceed the allowable limits. If this element dissolves it will affect the SPM
(food digestive tract) can damage the thyroid gland. This metal element
poisoning can make red blood cells become transformed, blood pressure becomes
high, heart failure can also occur. Pb212 element is a heavy metal and toxic, which
of course these ions are very dangerous for the human body. Water that contains
this element is very dangerous for the human body. Water that contains this
element cannot be used as drinking water. If this element dissolves it will
affect the kidneys and the digestive tract of food. A type of natural nuclide
such as U235 is a series of uranium if this element dissolves, the critical
organ affected is bone if it exceeds the allowable limit. Element Bi214 is a
series of uranium (RaC) which is the most dangerous main radioisotope. It can
be said that the presence of radioactive elements in water bodies will
ultimately have an impact on humans. If the presence of these elements exceeds
the allowable limit can cause several diseases that attack organs in our body
such as the heart, lungs, kidneys and so forth. Thus we should always maintain
and the quality of the water we use to stay safe.