Its Fun to Japan Free with Biology Students of FMIPA Udayana University

18/06/2020 Views : 670


This activity began when the Postgraduate University of Udayana University in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University held a socialization program for short course scholarships in Japan, especially at the Nagoya Institute of Technology (Nitech) in Japan in November 2018. This scholarship program is from the Sakura Exchange Program funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency (ANN). It is very interesting for me to apply for a scholarship where one of the requirements to get the scholarship is that a Lecturer who acts as a student advisor during the course of the shourt course must find a Lecturer at the intended University to make a proposal addressed to the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) through the Sakura Exchange Program . I started the communication via e-mail to Prof. Michiko Masuda from the Department of Architecture (Environment and Biodiversity) Civil Engineering and Industrial Management of Nitech University in Nagoya. The tit for good was welcomed where I and 5 students got the scholarship. I was invited to take the short course from June 23. until 30 June 2019. Five students who successfully passed the selection and participated in the short course were Faldy Efriant Pangemanan, Kadek Mardika, Revi Juniar Nutrihidayah, Ivani Dayanara and Nyoman Mega Antari with the Trustees, myself. All costs are covered by JST including airline ticket Denpasar Nagoya, Nagoya Denpasar, accommodation, insurance for short courses and daily fees while in Japan.

The purpose of this program is a short course covering lectures, practicum in the field and laboratories and interacting with Nitech University students. The activities at Nitech are very interesting. During the 7 days at Nitech a variety of activities start at 8 am to 5 pm. The 7-day activity was the first day to explore the forest of the Aichi Kaisho Forest Center with Prof. Masuda sensei who was very energetic even though he was younger than me by one year, 57. In the forest learn about plant biodiversity and insect animals. The road to climb to an altitude of 400 asl is really fun. Next, the lecture activities with Nitech S1 students with the topic River ecosystem, Urban River System. Fieldwork to Wetland in Nagakute, Endangered Plants and Sabue dune Fieldwork, Sewage Treatment Facilities and Water Purification and finally visit Kisogawa River Tidal Flats. Not forgetting the most fun for us is the farewell party where Mega Antari dances in Balinese dance which gets a rousing welcome

The results can be very large for students to get to know more advanced technology and knowledge and communicate with students in Japan. For the Trustees lecturer is very useful because the opportunity for research collaboration with Prof. Masuda and other professors at Nitech is very open. Thank you for the opportunity given by the Chancellor of Udayana University and the Japan Science and Technology Agency for the invitation and costs that have been given. In 2020 Nitech and JST invited us again to bring different students, but with this co-pandemic, it was postponed to depart until 2021. Hopefully the epidemic passes until we can get an interesting and useful experience for students