Hazard of Pesticide Exposure to Adults and Children

30/06/2020 Views : 266

Inna Narayani

            Pesticides are chemicals which used quite close to human life. Besides the beneficial properties, active ingredients of pesticides are a source of poisons that endanger human health. Pesticide poisoning affects the work of organs and organ systems. The entry of toxic pesticides can occur consciously or unconsciously through the skin, breathing and orally. Pesticide poisoning is characterized by symptoms of mild to severe deterioration in health conditions, however an accurate diagnosis requires a medical examination process.

Pesticides used in agricultural areas can cause a farmer to be at risk of suffering from leukemia and other lymphoma cancers. But not only pesticides, engine exhausts, solvents, animal viruses, fertilizers, fuels and certain microbes are also other factors causing cancer in the agricultural environment. Pesticide poisoning happened when pesticide particles are sucked through the nose is the second most after skin contamination. Gas and very fine spray particles (for example,  during fogging) can enter the lungs, while larger particles will stick to the nasal mucous membranes or in the esophagus.

       Recent research shows that pesticides with low exposure can affect children, during neural development, and the presence of hyperactivity in children.

Overall, there is clear epidemiological evidence that shows the tendency for leukemia in children due to exposure to various pesticides, both during pregnancy and after birth. But there is still very little research that supports this link strongly. Pesticides can inhibit enzymes, or produce oxidative stress, causing the DNA repair process to be cut off, resulting in further damage.

The existence of this event can cause leukemia in children, but not chronic leukemia that occurs due to the influence of other diseases after birth. The combination of epidemiological research and specific cases followed by cellular biology research is useful to explain the causes of leukemia in children. Especially better understanding the biological and genetic mechanisms of how pesticides can cause the risk of leukemia in children.

 In a residential situation, to minimize the use of insecticides such as mosquito coils, you can instead use mosquito nets on a bed.


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2.    Liu, J., and  E.Schelar.  2012.  Pesticide Exposure and Child Neurodevelopment: Summary and Implications.  Workplace Health Saf. May ; 60(5): 235–243. DOI:10.3928/21650799-20120426-73.

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