25/06/2020 Views : 373

Gede Suarta

The world is now experiencing a very serious pandemic, all sectors are made motionless, the economy is dead even there are some countries on the verge of bankruptcy.  People are advised to stay at home to prevent the spread of covid 19.  In this difficult situation, we should try to keep doing our activities so that we stay healthy and can generate additional income for the family.  One effective way is by raising honey kele (Trigona sp).

            Honey is very beneficial for health even for beauty.  This is wvident from the many medicinal products and beauty products that use the basic ingredients of honey.  Honey kele has a feature that is high adaptability to changing environmental conditions.  Other features, honey kele contains propolis, vitamins, minerals, phenolic compounds, antioxidants which are higher than other honey and a very complete enzyme.  With sweet and sour honey taste but good when taken, honey is believed to provide many benefits such as curing stomach ulcers, diabetes, ashma, insomnia, cancer prevention and heart disease, enhance the body’s immune system, stamina, memory, digestion, skin tightening.

            Cultivating honey kele is very easy.  Equipment used in the form of nests (stup), ropes, knives, bowls, filters and the place of the results of the honey squeezed.  Stup placed in two ways,  namely hanging or placed in a shady storage rack.  Avoid direct sunlight and avoid pollution of pesticides from the environment around the kele honey cultivation because it can reduce honey production by 0 %.  Kele can produce honey from 2 – 6 months.

            In term of business, the price of honey kele is more expensive than ordinary honey.  In the market reached Rp. 100.000/100 ml.  This is what makes the honey kele business is a very good business besides being able to health our bodies and can increase our income.  The byproduct of honey kele can be made from honey soap and propolis so that it gives added value to the honey farmer.  So, when this pandemic raises honey kele is very easy and good to do, because if we consume alone it can increase the immunity of our body so that it can avoid covid 19.  Good luck !.