First Aid in Finger Amputation

28/07/2020 Views : 756


First Aid in Finger Amputation

By : dr. Agus Roy Rusly Hariantana Hamid, Sp.BP-RE (K)

Accidents often occur nowadays which become a phenomenon that does not require a little further treatment such as surgery, this depends on the severity and needs needed. One type of accident that occurs and requires surgery is the amputation. The most common amputation is in the fingers and toes, arms and legs. Finger amputation is an event where a part of the body is cut off partially or completely due to trauma. The event of finger amputation needs to be further known in handling first aid and when to come to a plastic surgeon. When finding an accident or traumatic event that results in a severed finger is:

1. Pay attention to life-threatening signs by breathing and pulse checks and see how much bleeding is coming out to immediately close the amputated area. Calm the victim so as not to panic.

2. Apply pressure on the finger using a cloth / gauze to help control bleeding, remove the amputated part to reduce blood pressure

3. If the finger is completely amputated, put the amputated part in clean gauze / cloth that damped and put in on the clean plastic bag

4. Put the amputated finger that already in plastic bag into clean container with ice water

5. Refer immediately to the nearest hospital

When faced with the condition of a patient with amputation, immediate help is needed to maintain the function of the organ which can be reconnected. Plastic surgeons immediately reconnect with a period of about 6 hours, if the time is more than 6 hours, the condition of the tissue cannot be reconnected.