Recognize the Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Adults

26/12/2021 Views : 141


Iron deficiency anemia is a type of anemia that occurs when there is not enough iron to make hemoglobin (Hb). Iron deficiency anemia can be caused by various causes, including excessive menstruation in women, pregnancy, and bleeding in the digestive tract such as bleeding from the stomach. The main causes of iron deficiency anemia in adults are chronic bleeding and conditions that inhibit the absorption of iron in the intestines. Iron deficiency anemia can cause mild or severe symptoms.

Anemia is known by examination of hemoglobin (Hb). Hemoglobin is an iron-containing molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen. Anemia due to iron deficiency occurs when there is not enough iron in the body to make hemoglobin. When the amount of hemoglobin decreases, fewer red blood cells are formed. Symptoms of iron deficiency vary, from asymptomatic to severe symptoms. The most common symptoms include weakness, dizziness, and headache.

Causes of iron deficiency anemia include chronic bleeding and decreased absorption of iron from food. The cause of chronic bleeding can be obvious, as in women who experience excessive menstrual bleeding. Bleeding during childbirth can also cause iron deficiency. The source of bleeding can also be invisible, as in someone who has chronic bleeding in the digestive tract such as the stomach and intestines. Bleeding may appear with black stools or if blood loss is slow the stool may appear normal.

Diagnosis is made by taking a medical history, to look for possible causes of iron deficiency, a physical examination to look for the causes and typical signs of iron deficiency, and blood tests to measure iron stores in the body, and check for other conditions that may cause iron deficiency.

After the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia is confirmed, the next step is to look for the cause. The doctor will ask questions to look for causes of anemia, such as menstrual history, gastrointestinal problems and a history of gastrointestinal surgery, and the use of medications that can irritate the digestive tract. If the cause of bleeding is not clear, additional examinations should be performed such as colonoscopy or upper endoscopy to look for the source of bleeding in the digestive tract. Finding the source of bleeding in the colon is especially important in patients over 50 years of age.

In treating iron deficiency anemia, the first step is to determine the cause of the deficiency and treat it, so that iron from the body does not continue to decrease. Besides, dangerous diseases such as gastric and intestinal cancer can be identified and treated as early as possible. Treatment of iron deficiency anemia is to give iron. Iron supplements can be in the form of tablets taken orally or in the form of injections given through intravenous fluids. Iron tablets are used more often. Iron is needed for the production of hemoglobin and also to restore iron reserves in the body. Blood transfusions are rarely necessary except in severe anemia or active bleeding.

Treatment with iron tablets is recommended as long as hemoglobin and iron storage tests return to normal. It usually takes about six months with iron tablets and can be achieved more quickly with intravenous iron. Individuals with iron deficiency anemia need more iron from the food they eat. Food sources of iron are found in meat, fruits, and vegetables. For vegetarians, sources of iron are iron-fortified bread or cereals, beans, and green vegetables. To prevent iron deficiency anemia, it is recommended to take multivitamins, especially for pregnant women. However, iron supplements should not be taken without consulting a doctor, because too much iron in the body can also be harmful.