30/06/2020 Views : 289
Ni Ketut Widhiarcani Matradewi
Hoax is an inaccurate or untrue message. Hoax has been a problem since a long time. Not only the Minister of Communication and Information has tried to stop the circulation of hoax, but the alliance of journalists, the police and computer and technology experts have also tried to minimize the circulation of hoaxes. Hoax can be in the form of videos, statements, short narratives or articles. According to Deputy Coordinator of the Security and Law Enforcement Subdivision Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling of Covid-19 Brigadir General Darmawan explained that over the past three months there are 137,829 news hoaxes related to Covid-19 were found during this pandemic.
Whatsapp (WA) can also be loaded with hoax . Everybody can be easily spread hoax by sharing the news so that it can spread with just one click share. People who share hoax do not know anything about its accuracy. The intention to disseminate information quickly is often the reason for the dissemination of the hoax.
Hoax is indeed difficult to predict just by the slightest reading. But that does not mean impossible. In addition to the news tracking engine, early detection of false news can be done by reading the lingual evidence that appears on a news.
1. Themes / topics
The topic of the hoaks varies, from topics of politics, economics, social and culture to others. The main topic of hoax generally originated from issues that were viral at the time.
During the covid pandemic 19, the topic of hoaxes circulating revolved around the discovery of anti-covid 19 drugs or vaccines (even though there were no research findings stating this), ways to prevent corona virus from being affected, for example by spraying alcohol all over the body to kill the covid 19 virus ( even though it was denied by the medical authorities) and false news about patients of covid 19.
The choice of topics and headlines is generally hyperbole (excessive), eye catching and persuasive, contained of hate speech, evoke the emotions and feelings and are tendentious.
2. Use of Pronouns
Hoaks headlines generally use pronouns. The person's pronouns will be repeated several times in the narration or news content. Pronouns are repetitioned in the news content so that the hoaks can appear more convincing to the reader because it is assumed to have used clear references, both in the form of names and pronouns people explicitly, for example in the title of the hoax news as follows:
- President Jokowi's Examination Results Corona Virus Positive (even though the original title of the news is President Jokowi goes through Corona Virus Test This Afternoon)
- Bali Lockdown Due to Corona Virus (even though Bali closed domestic and international flights at that time due to Nyepi Day celebrations)
3. The Presence of Transitivity
Don't think hoaks only contained of short sentences. Instead, the sentence used in hoaks is a sentence with a complete structure.
Subjects and Objects are applied so that the information seems complete. For example as follows:
- On the advice of the doctors, the Minister of Health in the Middle East, a statement was issued to the Muslim community to wash Kurma well before being eaten.
- Cristiano Ronaldo Changes Private Hotel to Corona Hospital
4. Use of Modalities
Modality is words such as can / can, will, can. For example in the following hoaks:
- Robbery Code, Remove It Immediately If There Is Around Your Home
- PT Pertamina will remove pertalite and premium fuel
All above are some tips for filtering news before sharing to others.
Because sharing hoax will have a legal impact as a violation of Article 46 of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) with a maximum penalty of six years imprisonment, we should be able to read and spread the news carefully with tips on proof of lingual mentioned above.
Filter before sharing will be wiser.