Communicating News Title with Metaphor
23/07/2020 Views : 238
Media has an important role in society today. Its
significant role is related with information and various media functions in
society. Media had its peak condition during the era of reformation. The
publication of many media especially printed media gave great access for people
to have many information. Printed media is being a reference for people to have
an access for various information regarding politics, economics, social
culture, until sports and even the advertisement slots.
Nowadays, the role of media has changed. There is a
change of paradigm in society. People left the printed media and it is replaced
by the internet. Although there is a change, printed media is still considered
to be important for traditional readers. They enjoy various information in
printed like newspapers or tabloids. One of the reasons for that is the news title.
News title is important part of a news or information.
Reading the titles enable readers to draw early conclusion about news. News
titles also enable readers to interpret the content of news based on their
perceptions. For those reasons, news titles
are created or produced creatively that they can attract the readers’
attention. One of the ways in creating an interesting news title is applying
metaphor expressions.
In simple, the metaphor is figure of speech. This
figure of speech is mostly found in works of literature. However, today, the
use of metaphor is wider. Metaphor is also applied in the titles of news. The
purpose is to attract the attention of readers. Attracting attention is
important for newspaper when in one publication they provide tens of news.
Readers are usually attracted by the titles that are different as usual in
their appearances.
As metaphor is figure of speech, the construction of
it in news titles is also different. The metaphor in news titles creates
different meanings. Sukarno (2017) classified construction of meaning metaphor
into four types. The types are construction of meaning metaphor in action, meaning
metaphor in quality, meaning metaphor in motion, and meaning metaphor in
character. Each has its own role when it is used in the context of news titles.
The dominant metaphor constructions in local printed
media are the constructions of meaning metaphor in action and meaning metaphor
in character. Both constructions are slightly used in the news titles of
various topics namely sports, health, tourism, and criminality. The examples of
news titles of local printed newspaper applied the construction of meaning
metaphor in action are Disparda Genjot Promosi Wisata
ke Eropa Dongkrak Kunjungan ke Candi Tebing Tegallinggah; Mengurai
Benang Kusut TPA Suwung; and Peringatan Hari Puputan Margarana ke-73
Bersama Perangi Kebodohan dan Kemiskinan. Expressions in the bold
type genjot, mengurangi, and perangi are metaphorical expressions.
In this context of news titles, the meanings have shifted from the real meanings.
The expressions are classified as constructions of meaning metaphor in action
for one reason. The reason is that there is following specific purpose after
the action. For example, the expression of genjot has relation to an
activity to operate a pedal of bicycle. It is for sure to make the bicycle
The construction is different with construction of
meaning metaphor in character. The news titles with meaning metaphor in
character are Wanita Pengangguran Gelapkan Empat Mobil Sewaan and
Wayan Winurjaya Ukir Sejarah. Both examples of news titles apply
the expression of metaphor in gelapkan and ukir. The important
point in construction of meaning metaphor in character is in matching the real
condition and its context of news titles. The expressions gelapkan and ukir
have their own characteristic in real condition. This characteristic is then
applied in the context of news titles. For example, the expression ukir
has the real meaning of carving or jewelry. However, the real meaning does not
exist in the news title context Wayan Winurjaya Ukir Sejarah. It
shows different meaning, but it still maintains the characteristic of the real
With its wider information of news in printed media,
the creation of news titles turns as important point. News title is not only
interesting, but it also creates an interest of reading the complete news. Creating
interest means creating the motivation to read the news completely. It means
the readers have clear and complete news or information rather than individual
interpretation when reading the title.
Parthama, I Gusti Ngurah dan Ni Ketut Alit Ida Setianingsih. 2019. Tipologi
Metafora Pada Judul Berita Media Cetak. Laporan akhir Penelitian Unggulan
Program Studi (PUPS). Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
(LPPM) Universitas Udayana.
Sukarno. 2017. Makna dan Fungsi Ungkapan Metaforis Dalam Wacana Hukum Pada Surat Kabar Harian Jawa Pos dalam Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, volume 17, nomor 1, April 2017, halaman 15 – 28.