25/11/2019 Views : 465


Abstract—This study aims: 1) know the forms of domestic violence in Badung Regency, 2) know the things that underlie the occurrence of acts of domestic violence in Badung Regency, 3) know coping strategies domestic violence in Badung Regency. This research was conducted using qualitative method through data collection techniques with observation and interview. Data analysis uses interpretive descriptive analysis. The results showed that domestic violence can be seen from the forms of violence that include: physical, psychological, sexual, and economic. Factors that influence the occurrence of violence include: economic independence from wives who do not work and economic independence of wives from working wives, infidelity, wrong understanding of myths and religious teachings about women, and temperamental husband. Efforts to protect and deal with acts of violence can be: repressive with criminal law through the judiciary and outside the criminal law, such as: facilitating peaceful efforts, assistance to victim, provide a safe place for victim who feel threatened, restore trust to victim, efforts to release from cases of violence experienced by victim, protection from threats received by victim. Preventive can be through forms: socialization, distribution of brochures, and billboards.


Keywords: Domestic Violence, Gender Analysis, Phenomenon, Revealing










1. Introduction

 It is undeniable that every family has their own way to solve their respective problems. If the problem is solved properly and healthily, each family member will get a valuable lesson that is to realize and understand the feelings, personality and emotional control of each family member so that happiness is realized in the family. A healthy conflict resolution occurs when each family member does not prioritize personal interests, find the root of the problem and make a solution that is equally beneficial to family members through good and smooth communication. On the other hand, if conflicts are resolved in an unhealthy manner, conflicts will occur more frequently in families.

The law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence which is a protection against women has long been passed (2004), but the problem of violence against women at this time is still quite common. Every year there are still reports of cases of violence against women. This happened in all regions including Bali, which is said to be Paradise Island. Even the Secretary of the Indonesian Women's Association for Justice (LBH APIK) of Bali Province, Luh Putu Anggreni said, cases of Domestic Violence (Domestic Violence) in Bali are still high. "Throughout 2017 alone we had 142 cases and 90 percent of them were domestic violence cases. Cases of Domestic Violence (KDRD) in Badung Regency, still occur. While in Badung Regency, in the January to June 2017 period only 14 cases of domestic violence were reported. While last year (2016) there were 25 reported cases ( Di-Badung,Belasan-Kasus-KDRT...html).

Based on the above phenomenon, the purpose of this study is to identify and understand a number of things, namely: forms of domestic violence in the district, what factors cause domestic violence, and strategies for overcoming violence in household in Badung Regency .


2. Research Methods

This research was conducted using a qualitative research approach that relies more on observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and document studies. In an effort to collect data and information carried out through the steps: determining the location of research, determining the informants, observations (observations), in-depth interviews, and explore related documents. The data analysis technique was performed using interpretive descriptive analysis techniques.


3. Result

3.1 Forms of Domestic Violence (Domestic Violence), Factors Causes and Treatment Strategies in Badung District

3.1.1 Forms of Domestic Violence (Domestic Violence)

Law number 23 of 2004, dated September 22, 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence compiled by a number of non-governmental organizations with reference to the Declaration above, contains the notion of being at home in the formulated as follows.

"Domestic violence is any act committed by a person or persons against another person, which results in or may result in physical, sexual, or psychological misery or suffering including the threat of certain acts, coercion or deprivation of liberty arbitrarily or economically suppressed. which occurs within the scope of the household ".

Furthermore various forms of violence, namely physical, psychological, sexual, economic and deprivation of liberty, are formulated as follows.

First, physical violence is any action that causes injury, injury or disability to a person's body or causes death. The informants who got physical violence from their husbands all said that it happened when they (husband and wife) were in a state of argument. Infidelity is one of the triggers of this incident. The informant (let's say Ayu) who resides in Abian Semal Subdistrict, for example, revealed that her ex-husband was the type of man who cheated on her which caused her to become a rude and temperamental man. Every time Ayu asks her husband about her long-standing changes in attitude and behavior. His attitude and behavior are very contrary to the previous gentle, not emotional, but now become rude, and like to swear with harsh words, even lately the informant's husband was used to swearing while slapping, kicking and hitting the informant.

Second, psychological violence is every action and speech that results in fear, loss of confidence, loss of ability to act and feelings of helplessness in someone. Severe psychological violence, in the form of acts of control, manipulation, exploitation, abuse, humiliation and humiliation, in the form of prohibitions, coercion and social isolation; degrading or insulting actions and or speech; stalking; violence and or threats of physical, sexual and economic violence; each of which can result in psychic suffering ranging from mild to severe. Referring to the concept, the results of the study show that psychological or psychological violence is more often and more experienced by women than physical violence. An informant (let's call it Bunga) having his / her address at Mengwi Sub-District tells her husband who always makes painful words if he gets a little annoyed, even though he says their household does not have a serious problem that triggers conflict between BA and her husband. Therefore Bunga often asks why her husband behaves and says harsh words. Bunga admitted that she had never felt or experienced violence because she had never been beaten, slapped or treated badly in sexual matters. But then Bunga said she felt hurt because of the harsh words that were often spoken by her husband when angry, even though Bunga said she was always silent and relented when her husband was angry.

Third, sexual violence is every act that includes sexual harassment, to force someone to have sexual relations without the consent of the victim or when the victim does not want to and engage in ways that are unnatural or disliked by the victim and or alienate (isolate) from their sexual needs. Forced will before sexual intercourse actually occurs because there is an inconsistency or asynchronous desire between husband and wife in sex. At times like this often the wife's rejection of the husband's wishes, both because of hatred for the husband and because of fatigue. The reason for the wife's hatred for the husband that made the wife reject the husband arises because these wives have or have just experienced other violence, both physical, psychological and economic. There is an assumption that medically women have sexual stimulation movements which are relatively slower than men, also have sexual desire which is strongly influenced by their emotional atmosphere. The following is the explanation of the informants related to their experiences. An informant (call it Beautiful) who lives in Kuta District always tries to refuse her husband's invitation because he already hates the violence caused by her husband.

Fourth, economic violence is any act that restricts a person from working inside or outside the home which produces goods or money and allows work to be exploited or neglected family members. Economic violence is the most commonly experienced by wives. AC informant who experienced physical violence because her husband likes to play with women and likes to waste money as described above, in this case the initials DA address in South Kuta has long experienced economic violence. DA's husband never gives money for the needs of DA and his children. To support themselves and their children and to meet family needs DA tries to work for a million people and raise pigs he gets from government assistance.


3.1.2 Factors That Cause Domestic Violence (Domestic Violence) in Badung Regency

First, Economic Independence from Working Wives and Wife Economic Independence from Working Wives. During this time, various allegations and several research findings found that the wife's dependence on her husband economically because his wife's status does not work is a factor that encourages her husband to act at will and even violence on his wife. But in this study it looks relatively different reality. In addition to the wife's inability in the economic field, the wife's economic ability also causes the husband to abuse the wife. The types of violence committed against wives that originate from the wife's economic capacity are also very complex including economic, physical, psychological and sexual violence.

Second, the husband's affair with another woman. Husband affair with another woman or remarriage is one of the causes of marital violence. Infidelity and remarriage can cause your wife to experience physical, economic, psychological and sexual violence. The wife who reprimands her husband who cheats instead of getting a good reception instead gets swear, insults, blows, throws and others. Ayu for example, was thrown with a plate and almost kicked but denied, for reprimanding her husband who did not pay attention to the household due to busy taking care of his ideal woman.

Third, third party intervention. The interference of family members on the part of the husband in particular, especially mother-in-law and brother-in-law, is one of the causes of violence between husband and wife. Forms of violence arising from family interference include: physical, psychological and economic violence. If in-laws who like to bad-mouth their son-in-law can cause their children to hit, slap, berate, not even pay attention to the economic needs of the family. Like the case of Dinda and Danti. On average, they experience violence and are the target of their husband's anger because their mother-in-law complains nonsense to their husbands. Until finally some of the informants asked for help from their siblings to mediate the problem at hand.

Fourth, the wrong understanding of the myths and religious teachings about women. Incorrect understanding of religious teachings through the presence of women is another factor that causes violence against women in the household. As an example that is often understood incorrectly by informants' husbands in this study, among others, the pronouncement of the words "divorce" by several informant husbands indicates a misunderstanding of the true meaning of a marriage. Values ​​and norms that exist in society seem to be a standard provision by justifying a husband beating his wife to give lessons as dissatisfaction or to cover up his mistakes. And vice versa many istripun who misunderstood such myths that they assume that they are obliged by religion to always obey their husbands under any circumstances. As a result of having a wrong understanding of the teachings; Ahimsa, Tat Twam Asi, Trikaya Parisudha, Karma Phala, so that generally those who commit violence cannot control themselves.

Fifth, Tempramental Husband Habits. In some cases, domestic violence against women arises from the habits or traditions of the husband that are formed from the repeated repetition of behavior. AA's husband is quiet but hot-tempered and accustomed to venting his anger / anger by beating, kicking or cursing. The affair committed by AB's husband is also due to her husband's habit not because of AB's shortage. On the contrary, it was precisely because of the strength of his wife that he felt stepping over her husband made him disappointed and then took action (compensation) by having an affair.


3.1.3 Efforts to Overcome Domestic Violence (KDRT) in Badung Regency

So far there is still an assumption that conflicts and cases of domestic violence are considered domestic problems and matters. Upholding and maintaining the good name of the family is an ideal phenomenon for the community at large. This is what often becomes a reference for someone who has experienced a case of domestic violence not to report it to the party who should handle it. As the term in Bali if reporting a case that occurs in the family is the same as "makecuh marep menek" (spit up) which finally got hit by spit. However, the government does not want to stay silent if there is often indicated cases of violence in the household because this will bring a bad image in the eyes of other people.

For this reason, the government intervened to prevent domestic violence problems through various efforts. Efforts to protect and deal with acts of violence can be: 1 / repressive (enforcement) and 2 / preventive (preventive). Efforts to protect and deal with repressive acts of violence with criminal law through the judiciary and outside the criminal law, such as: facilitate peaceful efforts for victims and perpetrators, provide assistance to victims in case resolution, help provide a safe place for victims feel threatened, help restore self-confidence to the victim, make efforts to release from cases of violence experienced by victims, take protection from threats received by victims, seek physical or non-physical health recovery. Whereas preventively can be done through the forms: socialization, distribution of brochures, installation of billboards, and baners. 

4. Conclusions and Suggestions

4.1 Conclusions

1. Forms of domestic violence (domestic violence) include: physical violence (slapped, kicked), psychological violence (reviled, shouted at), sexual violence (forced will before sex) and economic violence (husband never tells how much actually his salary and also never gave him money management).

2. Money factors cause domestic violence (KDRT), including: a) economic inadmissibility of wives who do not work and economic independence of working wives; b) husband's affair with another woman; c) third party interference; d) wrong understanding of myths and understanding of religious teachings; and e) temperamental husband's habits.

3. Domestic violence prevention efforts are carried out by various related components such as P2TP2A in Badung Regency, Polres, Badung Regency Women's Empowerment Office, and Empowerment of Family Welfare (PKK), and the role of traditional villages.


4.2 Suggestions

From the results of the study obtained, several suggestions can be made as follows..

1. In order to reduce the occurrence of cases of domestic violence, it is necessary to continuously socialize Law 23/2004 in order to provide understanding and knowledge about the rewards for those who commit domestic violence.

2. Prevention efforts are needed so that domestic violence does not become more widespread, this can be done not only by applying legal products but also by instilling ethical and moral values, not repressively but ideologically through the process of formal education in schools and informal (in family and community home).

3. KDRT handling competition activities in each village need to be carried out on an ongoing basis by involving elements of the Pakraman village, village officials, PKK, and other elements.

4. The need for the provision of a shellter in providing protection for victims of domestic violence so as to guarantee its safety.






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