06/07/2020 Views : 396


Who is not familiar with YouTube in this digital era? You Tube is one of the most popular online platforms  today. This is undeniable because of the presence of millions of videos with a variety of entertaining and useful contents so that millions of internet users are preyed on watching YouTube. This benefits the content creators so they are competing to make interesting, unique and high-quality videos in order to attract as many subscribers as possible so that they have the opportunity to win the Gold Button from You Tube as an award given to content creators who have gotten more than one million customers. Even today, You Tuber content can be used as a new job and profession because the income of a You Tuber is quite tempting if it already has a high number of subscribers, such as Atta Halilintar, King of Indonesian YouTube .

Indirectly, the You Tubers give influence in various ways, one of which is the language used. Many of us encounter that young people today are using new language or vocabulary that they often hear on your favorite YouTube content, such as the word gaeess, kuy, tersyduk, then the use of English or regional dialects, slang and so on. Therefore, this study is important to be done to describe the various languages used by Indonesian You Tubers. The source of this research data is derived from a number of videos on You Tube uploaded by Indonesian You Tuber by filtering representative content comprising various languages in it. The data retrieval is done by sampling methods from some You Tuber content.

Language undergoes changes along with changes in society. The change is in the form of variations of the language used according to their needs. So that the number of variations does not reduce the function of language as an efficient communication tool, in the language arises a mechanism for selecting certain variations that are suitable for certain purposes called standard variations (Subarianto, 2000). Register is language variation according to usage, which varies according to the topic being discussed such as variety of literature, variety of politics etc., according to the relationship of the speaker, interlocutor, the person being spoken of as official variety, casual variety etc. and according to the media of speech such as spoken variety and written variety (Bachman, 1990).

Sociolinguistics places language as part of social systems and communication systems and is part of certain societies and cultures. The use of language is a form of social interaction that occurs in various situations. The social interaction will be alive thanks to the activity of speaking on the language user. The linguistic situation in Indonesia is indeed very complex because there are so many languages in lovely Indonesia. The existence of more than one language in that society, can be called bilingualism. In bilingual societies or multilingual often it leads to code switching, code mixing, interference, and integration which will be explained next with some of the well-known You Tubers.



Based on surveys and personal searches, some You Tubers even have a number of subscribers reaching upto tens of millions of people like i). Atta Halilintar with the nickname King of Indonesian You Tube because he has the highest number of subscribers in Southeast Asia around 18 million subscribers ii) Rans Entertainment is a You tube Canal owned by artists Rafi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina with prank content that has 9.2 million subscribers. iii) Ria Ricis is first known as a celebrity and then successful as an Indonesian female You Tuber with a cheerful character and has reached 16 million subscribers and iv) Baim Paula is a celebrity couple Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven have also been transformed into famous You Tuber in Indonesia with social content and they succeed in capturing the hearts of the audience. The you tube channel already have 6.7 million subscribers.

Code Mixing is a style of language that incorporates elements or pieces of other languages into a conversation context. Some words like guys, subscribe, like, follow, enjoy, comment, whats up, upload and others. can be found in almost all videos on You tube where these words are English words of which the meaning already exist in Indonesian.

Data 1 “ Jangan lupa guys, klik tombol subscribe, karena subscribe itu gratis guys!” (video Atta Halilintar)

Data 2 “ Istri gua lagi packing”  (video Raditya Dika, 2 juli 2019)

Data 3 “Di Chiang Mai ini banyak banget Night market nya” (video Ria SW, 28 Juni 2019)

Data 4 “Saya nantang Demian untuk sebuah challenge(video Yudist Pradhana, 23 feb 2019)

Data 5 “Klik tombol like dan kasi comment di bawah yaaa” (video Ria Ricis, 21 Januari 2019.

Code Switching is a condition that occurs when the speaker uses two or more languages so that the two or more languages are used interchangeably in one message. In this case, code switching occurs because of a change in situation that requires the user to change one language into another language or a different style. In the videos of You Tubers and Bloggers, it is also often found that Code Transfers occur in conversations or utterances that they express in front of the camera. Here is an example


Data 6

“Yang bisa kita lakukan adalah bersedih ria. We’re not good, I’m not good, nothing is good, but as I said before, nothing is wrong with losing, what matters is what you do after. You can do it, Manchester United!” (Kalau Kalah, Ya Kalah Aja, skinny indonesian24, 3 juni 2019)


In the example above, it is very clear how English takes over the contents of conversations / utterances that previously used Indonesian

Interference is the entry of an element of a language into another language which results in violation of the rules of the language in which it belongs to both violations of phonological, grammatical, lexical and semantic rules. Interference can also increase the vocabulary richness of a language because it will often bring up new words that are more accepted among the people. This is also pretty much found in the videos of You Tubers and Bloggers such as the words ngeprank, ngekilled, chattingan, unfaedah, auto and others as displayed in the following data.

Data 7  “Hari ini gue mau ngeprank mama” (video Rans Entertaintment)

Data 8 “Saya ngekilled musuh, horee” (video Kemal Pake Z)

Data 9  “Dia chattingan terus sih” (video BaPau)


The following is the morphological process that occurs in the two examples above:

me- + prank à memprank à ngeprank

me- + killed à mengkilled à ngekilled

Chatting + -an à chattingan (verb)

The most popular slang words are found in the style of Indonesian You tubers and Bloggers such as Bro/vroh/bray, bosque, kuy, tercyduk, receh, unfaedah, hakiki/HQQ, kepo, takis, wkwk land, baper, misqueen, ashiaapp, otw, auto, yummy, uunch, tuman and many others and these contemporary slang languages often appear in conversations on social media today. These slang words are usually born by themselves as can be seen in the following data:

Data 10  “Halo Bro’, apa kabar? Ini gue lagi otw menuju rumahnya aa Raffi Ahmad” (Atta Halilintar)

Data 11  “Asshiiaaappp!!” (Atta Halilintar)

Data 12  “Oke bosque, sekarang kita sudah selesai syuting, sekarang kita mau shaur bersama Paula” (Baim Paula)


Integration is a loan that usually occurs when certain words or terms do not exist or have not yet found an equivalent. One of the loan words that is quite often used especially by food bloggers is the word Mukbang. This word comes from the Korean acronym, "meoknun" which means eating, and "bangsong" which means broadcast. So the meaning of the word mukbang is eating while broadcast online and is becoming very popular among You Tubers or Bloggers who present culinary tourism content. Usually this mukbang is also served in large quantities

Such is the variety of languages used by Indonesian You tubers today that can be found or often heard in videos uploaded to You Tube. The language style of each You Tuber is of course different, as well as the vocabulary used depends on their specialty in presenting certain content. For example, You Tuber, who works as a language gamer, is certainly different from You Tuber or Blogger, who presents culinary tourism content.