28/06/2020 Views : 211


An outbreak of the disease caused by the corona virus known as COVID-19 has spread into a pandemic in hundreds of countries around the world. The conditions turned out to be not only homework for health and medical sciences. All lines of life are paralyzed because all activities in the frame remain at home, at home only and all keep their distance. Data in Indonesia in the official release of the COVID-19 Task Force for Handling in Indonesia, in the June 26, 2020 update, via the page as conveyed by COVID-19 Handling Spokesman Achmad Yurianto, public space turned out to remain the center potential spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Public activities such as offices, shopping centers, economic centers and public transportation are still rampant in the public sphere, so there is a need for joint awareness to remain compliant with health protocols regulated in the form of circulars in each institution. The distribution in public spaces such as office space, restaurants and mass transportation modes according to Yurianto is currently seen from the increasing pattern of community interaction. This needs to be observed in a number of situations in the environment because not only health protocols, such as maintaining distance, wearing masks and washing hands while working in the office, other things need to get a lot of attention in the room.

Vaccines and appropriate treatments have not yet been found. Moreover, the threat of massive, life-threatening viruses has given many response patterns from various fields of science to participate in solving this problem. Moreover, public space and community activities are the focus, so it is important to pay attention to legal awareness through the legal culture of the community in limiting community activities or in the era leading to a new normal order. Legal culture is expected to be the basic capital that needs to be strengthened so that all components of society are always ready to adjust to the regulations relating to COVID-19 countermeasures.

This legal culture is intended in that the individual human beings in their community in interacting are required to realize the implementation of common interests. In terms of legal awareness in the pandemic era, COVID-19 was confronted with the importance of imperative legal products that could maintain the order of the community to prevent the increasing spread virus. Legal products include limiting the activities of the community before and then entering into a new normal system requiring mutual compliance. Individuals with each other in the context of society grow mutual awareness to be together not to harm each other. A habituation is done because it is not possible to work alone, it takes cooperation with others. Habits in the form of compliance with government regulations are a form of legal culture as a way that remains interwoven with elements of the community and unwanted violations of that habit occur. Violation means disruption of balance so that there is no order in the order of living together.

Laws as outlined in legal products such as Laws, Government Regulations and even Regional Regulations provide hope that during this pandemic, legal scientific contributions that synergize with the legal culture of the community will play a role in overcoming the widespread distribution of COVID-19. In this context, he recalled the description of Indonesian legal expert Sudikno Mertokusumo, with his thoughts saying that every law that was born through a shared awareness of the people. Guidelines for behaving are from social values ​​that have indeed grown and lived in society.

The formulation of rules in all fields that support the resolution of this pandemic problem is a certain principle as the basis for the formulation of legal norms thus, it can be formulated that public legal awareness is the main aspect in the formulation of legal norms. Laws in various products in Indonesia related to Covid 19 include Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2020 Regarding the Establishment of Community Health Emergency COVID-19, Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia number 9 of 2020 concerning guidelines for large-scale social restrictions in the framework of accelerating the handling of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), as well as many more set forth in a variety of policies following the impact caused by the recommendation for more activities at home and limiting the crowd.

Legal and policy products issued during this pandemic if scientifically withdrawn relations between huum and society cannot be released with a legal function which is certainly expected to be a social control, a means of controlling people's behavior, because it is not free from laws that contain values ​​and attitudes. Both aspects of values ​​and attitudes exist in the individual person who can not be released with other people in the group, his community so that it is manifested in the frame of legal culture.

Legal culture during this pandemic becomes strength as a synergy with what is governed by the government. Lawful awareness and obedience is a description of the response and adaptation of society to an order. During the pandemic, which needed strong capital, this legal awareness became one of the hopes of controlling the spread of COVID-19. Legal culture as a buffer because it is based on the values ​​and attitudes of the community in the implementation of legal products issued in handling COVID-19. Strong and synergized regulations with acceptance in the form of compliance will provide harmony so that the great interests of the public health world can be realized.

Obedience as a response from the community shows the implementation of applicable laws and results in difficult situations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The legal culture in the formation of community obedience should be in an atmosphere of responsive lawfulness which is sociologically providing benefits. The function of law will be maximized by the values ​​and cooperative attitudes of the people, so that the legal structure can work optimally. The substance of the law as outlined in the legal products that regulate this health emergency can be realized if harmony and balance with other components of the legal system. The theory of a very good legal system was inherited by Lawrence M. Friedman by pouring the synergy between the legal structure, legal substance and legal culture as three foundations that should not be ignored and provide hope for the problems of civilization in 2020, namely the war against COVID-19.