The Role of Desa Adat in Breaking the Covid 19 Distribution Chain

22/06/2020 Views : 156


Responding to the results of an empirical evaluation of the development of the Covid-19 case in an effort to break the chain of distribution both in terms of development and potential risks to other field situations, the Bali Governor's Decree on Co-19 Emergency Response was considered appropriate in this situation. The Provincial Government of Bali has also issued a Circular of the Governor of Bali regarding the extension of the implementation of work for ASN at home / residence. In addition, the provincial government should also seriously monitor other sectors to supervise and prevent the concentration of community gathering (monitoring seriously and being firm in its implementation of the implementation of social distancing). This is important to do to reduce the widespread spread of the co-19 pandemic. Data collection in all regions both affected areas and those that have not yet had to be further improved. The necessity in providing real-time data on the condition of every district in Bali must be conveyed clearly to the community, if necessary, make regulations or policies related to it, so that the district government is required to collect data and report to the public regarding the current situation, conditions and developments the spread of covid-19 in the community. This is in an effort to give a warning to all elements of society without exception in Bali that in fact this co-19 cannot be underestimated in its distribution.

The Provincial Government of Bali must also always urge, supervise and provide education to the public regarding the importance of conducting independent quarantine to reduce the spread of the covid-19 virus. Regarding the supervision of the independent quarantine, the provincial government can work together with traditional villages. Pecalang in this case can be empowered to participate hand in hand to supervise in monitoring the implementation of social distancing in each of their respective regions. If necessary, must act and act firmly in its implementation. The form of intervention is important to do in an effort to manifest the seriousness of the Provincial Government to limit the space for movement and break the chain of distribution of covid-19. Indigenous villages that were born due to human nature's demands as social creatures have an important role in anticipating the widespread spread of co-19, even in Bali, traditional villages have authority in regulating the lives of their indigenous people. Although there is already a Joint Decree of the Governor of Bali and the MDA of the Province of Bali where customary villages can form the Covid-19 Prevention Mutual Assistance Task Force, its seriousness has not yet been seen and felt in the community. Observations in the field, still see some activities and crowds in the community that have the potential to further spread the spread of the corona virus. Careful handling of covid-19 is very important to do. In a situation like this, cooperation and serious coordination in all elements of society are needed, local governments will not be able to act alone in an effort to prevent the spread of covid-19.