Why Do You Need a Tourism Services Business Certification
02/07/2020 Views : 271
Certification of tourism business is very important because it is related to the fulfillment of tourism business standards. Travel business standards include products, services and management. But this matter was not responded positively by all tourism businesses. There are still many tourism businesses that have not yet certified in Indonesia. The Government of Indonesia has set national standards that must be obeyed by every business actor in the field of tourism in accordance with what is regulated in Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism (hereinafter referred to as the Tourism Act) through the policy of implementing Tourism Business Certification conducted by an Independent Institution called the Certification Institute Business in the field of tourism and then also regulated in Government Regulation Number 52 of 2012 concerning
Basically Tourism business certification is the process of granting certificates to tourism businesses to support the improvement of the quality of tourism products, services and management of tourism businesses through audits. Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy RI Regulation No. 1 of 2014 concerning the Implementation of Tourism Business Certification, regulates business certification bodies, certification procedures, supervision of tourism business certification, and administrative sanctions by the minister. Where the Certification includes Competency Certification and Business Certification in the Field of Tourism.
Indeed, the tourism business certification policy is intended to protect local entrepreneurs from the influence of the free market so that they can compete in the global arena, improve Tourism in Indonesia and maintain the sustainability of tourism going forward and provide legal certainty in the tourism sector in Indonesia. Etymologically the word tourism comes from the Sanskrit language which consists of two syllables namely "pari which means many, many times, circling, and traveling. While the word "tourism" means travel or traveling. Thus the understanding of the word tourism means a trip that is carried out repeatedly or in a circle from one place to another. Tourism in the broadest sense according to Damanik and Weber is "recreational activities outside the domicile to break away from routine work or look for another atmosphere". Meanwhile, according to Marpaung tourism is "a temporary transfer carried out by humans with the aim of getting out of routine work, out of his residence.
Certification according to the provisions of Article 1 number 12 of the Tourism Act is a process of granting certificates to tourism businesses and workers to support the improvement of the quality of tourism products, services, and tourism management. the quality of tourism products, services, and tourism management. Furthermore Regarding the Certification of Trade in Tourism Services is regulated in the Tourism Act in Chapter XII Article 53 which regulates that: a. Every work in the field of tourism has competency standards b. Competency standards as referred to in paragraph (1) are carried out through competency certification. c. Competency certification is carried out by professional certification bodies that have been licensed in accordance with statutory provisions. This means that there are standards in the field of tourism so that all tourism service trading activities in Indonesia can run with good quality standards. In order to obtain good quality standards, the state is trying to make certification so that all tourism service business activities can have good quality. Any tourism service business that wishes to obtain certification can only be granted by an independent independent agency in accordance with statutory provisions. Certification is given by a professional certification body licensed by the National Professional Certification Board. The certificate is awarded after passing the competency test which is based on competency standards compiled jointly by government agencies in the field of tourism, tourism associations, entrepreneurs, and academics.
Tourism is everything related to tourism, including the management of tourist objects and attractions and related businesses in the field. Tourism is dynamic which involves many people and enlivens various fields of business. There are several important elements in the concept of tourism, namely: a. Types of activities carried out and the purpose of the visit b. Location of business activities c. Length of stay in the tourist destination d. Facilities and services that are utilized are provided by tourism businesses. Tourism activities can be economically referred to as industry because they have a significant influence on the economy, which in addition to contributing revenue to the country also provides additional value (added value), adding investment opportunities, and creating jobs and taxes.
As an industry, tourism can also be interpreted as a collection of tourism businesses that are interrelated in producing goods and / or services to meet the needs of tourists in the organization of tourism. People or groups of people who carry out tourism business activities are called tourism entrepreneurs. Tourism business is a business activity that is directly related to tourism activities so that without its existence, tourism cannot run well. In the tourism industry there are various tourism businesses, namely businesses that provide goods and / or services for meeting the needs of tourists and organizing tourism. The existence of the tourism industry is a multisector industry.
In tourism activities as a mainstay industry that can provide benefits for the improvement of the economic sector. besides welfare for the surrounding community it is important to provide safety and comfort for tourists as a form of protection. For this reason, tourism business certification is an answer to the problem of protection both in legal and social and cultural terms. Based on the provisions of Article 53 of the Law on Tourism that the certification of Trade in Tourism Services may include: a. Every work in the field of tourism has competency standards b. Competency standards as referred to in paragraph (1) are carried out through competency certification. c. Competency certification is carried out by professional certification bodies that have been licensed in accordance with statutory provisions.
The institutions that can carry out the certification are independent institutions that are authorized to carry out business certification in the tourism sector in accordance with statutory provisions. Based on Article 14 paragraph (1) of Law Number 10 Year 2009 concerning Tourism, including but not limited to: a. Tourist attraction; b. Tourism area; c. Tourism Transportation Services; d. Travel Services; e. Food and Beverage Services; f. Provision of Accommodation; g. Organizing Entertainment and Recreational Activities; h. Organizing Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conferences, and Exhibitions; i. Tourism Information Services; j. Tourism Consultant Services; k. Tour guide services; l. Tirta Tourism; and M. Spa.
Tourism LSU can be established based on the provisions of Article 4 paragraph (1) of the Tourism Act, which is by fulfilling the following requirements: a. business entity and legal entity in the territory of Indonesia; b. have auditors; and c. have a working device. The duties of LSU in the Field of Tourism itself are regulated in the provisions of Article 4 of the Tourism Law, namely: a. conduct audits; b. maintain auditor performance; and c. developing a certification scheme. Tourism LSU is required to submit periodic reports every 6 (six) months to the minister with a copy to the Governor, Regent or Mayor. The Tourism LSU can open a branch office by meeting all the requirements for establishing a Tourism LSU.
In Permen 1/2014, it also regulates the formation of a Tourism Business Certification Authorization Commission ("Authorization Commission"), which has the following duties and authorities: a. Check, verify and assess the completeness of the application documents for the establishment of LSU in the Tourism Sector, which consists of: 1) A copy of the deed of establishment of a business entity that aims and aims to move in the field of certification; 2) LSU work plan for Tourism Sector for a minimum of the next 3 (three) years; 3) minimum budget of LSU management budget for Tourism Sector for the next 3 (three) years; 4) has a working device, including: 5) audit material for the business of tourism; 6) guidelines for conducting audits in tourism businesses; and 7) quality guidelines. 8) curriculum vitae of the manager is equipped with a passport photo; 9) curriculum vitae completed with a passport photo; and 10) copy of KTP / auditor ID. b. Provide recommendations for the appointment and stipulation of the Tourism Sector LSU to the minister. Based on the recommendation, the minister appoints and determines the LSU in the Field of Tourism which is stipulated by a Ministerial Decree and is valid for 4 (four) years as long as the relevant LSU in the Field of Tourism is still carrying out its activities; c. monitor the implementation of Tourism Business Certification and supervise the performance of the Tourism Sector LSU; d. checking, verifying and evaluating LSU activity reports in the Field of Tourism; e. provide recommendations to the minister to impose administrative sanctions for violations committed by LSU in the Field of Tourism; and f. provide recommendations for revocation of the determination and appointment of LSU for Tourism to the minister. Authorization Commission, consisting of elements: a. Ministry; b. relevant government agencies; c. tourism association; d. academics; and e. other elements needed.
The procedure for Tourism Business Certification is carried out based on PP52 / 2012 with the following stages: a. tourism entrepreneurs apply for registration of certification at the Tourism LSU with a copy to the Authorization Commission. In this case the LSU in the Field of Tourism informs the Governor of the implementation of certification plans through technical agencies that have duties and functions in the field of tourism; b. The Tourism LSU assigns an Auditor team that has an Auditor Certification with audit competencies according to the tourism business to be audited, to conduct an audit in the applicant company; c. the Auditor team reports the results of the audit to the Tourism Sector LSU who commissioned; d. The Tourism LSU reviews the audit results reported by the Auditor team and decides on certification and issues a Tourism Business Certificate. Implementation of Tourism Business Certification, LSU in Tourism Sector must apply the principles of: a. impartiality; b. competence c. responsible; d. openness; e. confidentiality; and f. responsive to complaints.
In the end, keeping in mind the importance of the certification, normatively there are basically sanctions waiting for tourism service businesses that do not have certification in the form of: a. written warning; b. restrictions on business activities; and c. temporary suspension of business activities.