Central and regional relations reconstruction in dynamics Regional autonomy
01/06/2020 Views : 379
autonomy brings significant changes in the government system in Indonesia. The
centralized governance system is no longer in line with the understanding of democracy
then it has been replaced by decentralization. Decentralization is created to
build political equality at the local level or create democracy in the
region. Because during this related policy created by the Centralistic
government is not in accordance with the desires of the region. So the decision
making directly in the area (power over
decision make) directly exists in the local government so as
to create a refonsive government. The change of legislation from No. 22 know
1999 to ACT No. 32 year 2004 further strengthen the role of the region because
of the greater authority and leaders in the area elected directly by its
people. But this became the beginning of the egocentric problem in the region
because they considered the regent or mayor is no longer under and responsible
to the central equist. The leaders in the area were responsible to the
communities in the area so that "little kings" were likely to abuse
his power as an example of the amount of corruption that befalls the head of
countless regions. Regional autonomy is considered to only manage government in
the region or divide the authority between regional centers only. This
erroneous perspective is the retry to be straightened out in line with the
regional autonomy principle that decentralization is not intended to provide
autonomy only to local governments, but more than that it must strengthen the
role and position of citizens in the decision-making process locally (Prasojo,
2009:146). It confirms that decentralization to create community participation
in the region as well as a more responsive government. Because of
decentralization instead of creating good local governance but raises bad governance in the
region. For example talk about the performance of government in the area only a
few areas that have a good performance from almost 500 districts/cities in
Indonesia. In decentralized dynamics to date regional autonomy tends to
separate central and regional relations. This was conveyed by President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono, who asserted that many central government policies stopped
at the local government. The central government should make national standards
and policies, while local governments lower them in standards and policies at
provincial and Regency/city level. Both sides of both the central and regional
governments often clash with each other in relation to national policy. Because
the national policy of the central government is not necessarily in line with
the policy in the area and tends to overlap so the implementation does not run
hubungan antara pusat dan daerah dalam otonomi daerah sering sekali menjadi
problematika di lapangan. Hal ini terkait pelimpahan kewenangan kepada daerah
(devolusi), seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Syaukani, Gaffar, Rasyid (2009:311)
bahwa seharusnya para menteri kabinet mengkoordinasi kegiatan dalam
departemennya untuk memberikan supervisi kepada daerah dalam rangka penyerahan
kewenangan tersebut. Para menteri memberikan instruksi kepada para pejabat di
departemennya (sekjen dan irjen) untuk membantu daerah guna menyiapkan mereka
dalam rangka transisi penyerahan kewenangan. Sehingga nantinya dapat
mengidentifikasi kewenangan apa saja yang dapat dilaksanakan di daerah terkait
dengan kebutuhan, manfaat, dan dukungan sumber daya yang dimiliki daerah.
Sebagai contoh kebijakan sektor pendidikan yaitu hal-hal apa yang bisa
diserahkan ke daerah dan yang tidak diserahkan ke daerah. Akan tetapi dalam
perjalanan otonomi daerah hingga saat ini proses kewenangan antara pusat dan
daerah cenderung saling melindungi
kewenangan masing-masing. Sebagai contoh perihal keuangan dan sumber daya alam
di daerah yang tidak sepenuhnya milik daerah tetapi sebagian besar di serahkan
kepada pusat karena pemerintah pusat tidak ingin kehilangan pendapatan negara
dari sektor tersebut. Departemen melalui menteri terkait mempunyai
kepentingan-kepentingan dalam pelaksanaan otonomi daerah yang cenderung merusak
nilai partisipasi politik lokal, nilai dan budaya lokal akibat lebih kepada
dipaksakan. Departemen pendidikan tidak lagi mempunyai akses kepada pemerintah
di tingkat kabupaten, Kantor Pendidikan Nasional telah digantikan oleh dinas
pendidikan yang tidak vertikal dan menjadi instansi otonom di daerah. Tetapi
kantor pendidikan nasional ada di tingkat provinsi yang nantinya berfungsi
melakukan pengawasan terhadap kinerja pendidikan di daerah apakah telah sejalan
dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan untuk penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Hal ini
yang memunculkan kontrovesi di daerah, karena daerah tidak bisa dengan mudahnya
menyelenggarakan pendidikan sesuai dengan standar lokal dan nilai-nilai
setempat. Sering kali untuk kabupaten/kota di wilayah timur indonesia dimana
kualitas dan kuantitas pendidikannya rendah dan mereka harus mengikuti
kebijakan pendidikan nasional seperti nilai standar kelulusan UAN. Standar
kelulusan UAN ini semakin memarjinalkan pendidikan terutama di daerah karena
sulit menerapkan pendidikan berstandar nasional karena di satu sisi falisitas
belajar mengajar sampai dengan guru sangat berbeda antar daerah. Jadi intinya
kewenangan pusat kepada daerah cenderung dipaksakan karena ketidakmampuan atau
ketidakmauan untuk melihat kondisi daerah tersebut sehingga merusak esensi
otonomi daerah.
explained regarding regional autonomy tends to create "small kings"
in the region and expertain the KKN to the area. This is because it does not
control the power in the area because of weak checks and balances by the DPRD, different and NGOs. Actually, the
regent and mayor have a fundamental interest in the autonomy of the region,
which has great authority in running the government wheel in the area. Related areas increase the economy through the
excavation of economic potentials, because later to provide and improve service
and protection to the community in the region. But the false perception by
local governments is that they do not need any more control by the central
government such as supervision, mentoring and coaching. So that the emergence
of egocentric attitudes in the region because they are directly elected by the
people and responsible directly with the community. The result is often a
dispute especially between the district/city both with the province and the
center. As an example of a road repair policy that then throw each other
responsibility between the local government and provinces. Not to mention the
central policy that is considered unfavorable in the area then the
implementation half-heartedly as complained by SBY at a work meeting some time
ago in Bogor.
Reconstruct the
pattern of central and local relations.
the Department of Home Affairs has confirmed a new relationship pattern between
the central government and the areas related to decentralization and regional
autonomy (Said, 2005:128). First, the
pattern of relations is governed by binding regulations against the provincial
and regional governments. For example, the management of tax and regional
retribution is clearly regulating the tax and levies that are managed by the
province and the region and then how much the tariff is imposed on the tax. Secondly, the
principal responsibility of the affairs of the District government remains the
responsibility of the central government. Although the authority has been
bestowed into the area (devolution) but the central government remains
responsible in the implementation process in the field. Do not see the
authority that benefits one party only but many parties to the local community
in particular. Thirdly,
the central government's role in
regional autonomy is evident in the determination of macro policies, the
implementation of supervision, control, monitoring, evaluation and empowerment
of local governments, while local governments will be responsible for the
implementation of the policy. But as it has been explained that many national
policies are less appropriate to the circumstances in the area so it is
difficult to implement to achieve a target that has been established by the
central government. For example, RPJMN (State Medium Term development plan) as
opposed to RPJMD is compiled by regions. So that the regional government
confusion running which on the one hand wants to advance the area but not in
line with RPJMN.
the problem of relationship between the center of the area in fact there are
three central issues that should be examined more deeply so that the solution
can be expected in the next [1] :
- There is an
ambivalence at the conceptual level — the ideological orientation vs the
technical orientation. In general it can be said that the pendulum of the
relationship of authority between the central and local governments in
Indonesia is so far more likely to lead to a centralization pole than
decentralized. Although the LAW No. 22/1999 at a minimum level has tried
to shift the pendulum of the trallization towards a decentralized pole, LAW
No. 32/2004 tends to return it to its original position (centralization).
It is proven that central government remains reluctant to devolution
related to the management of natural resources. Ideological orientation
here is intended that regional autonomy has a clear purpose of creating
local democracy through community participation. But in the stage the technical
orientation strictly control of the central government still occurs tends
to re-centralize. For example, through tax laws and retribution that do
not reflect local democracy because there is a remote area there is only 1
hotel and how could the hotel tax be implemented, consequently making 1
hotel such as "dairy cow" for the area.
- There is a
bias between elite relations as an implication of shifting state and
community relations. The realities of implementing decentralization
policies and regional autonomy must also be occupied and understood in the
context of shifting the relationships of the nations ( statesociety relation) in the new
post-order period. Thus, it is known that the "bias" policy
implementation that occurred so far is not entirely a direct impact of
decentralized reform and regional autonomy, but also as an implication of
the "shifting" pattern of interaction between State and society
(State Society relation) in the post-New order period. The role of the
political elite in the region is very dominant nowadays, thus shifting the
role of the civil society Consequently there is
bargain interest in the area up to the center level.
- A reform
Agenda that emphasizes the efforts to build the country's image, but minus
capacity improvements. The reality of decentralized implementation and
regional autonomy also cannot be released from the "Bias reform
agenda" that takes place in the homeland. Within the first ten years
(1999-2009), the focus of the attention of the reform agenda was more
devoted to the efforts to improve and build state institutional reform.
This is contrary to the meaning of reform in order to build democracy to
the local level to produce a policy that is capable of reaching grass root. The mandate of decentralization and
regional autonomy is run half-heartedly due to strict control and the
central benefit of the Cederung area. As an example of the investment
policy of natural resources such as gold, petroleum almost all
representative offices are in the center than in the area. This reflect
the center still takes advantage so do not blame when the biggest money
circulation is in JABOTABEK.
the author tries to build a new relationship pattern between regional central
governments in decentralized dynamics and regional autonomy namely:
- Rebuilding
the concept of decentralization and regional autonomy relates to the
extent of the devolution between the central government and administrative
decentralization built. Because if maintained it will tend to benefit
local governments. Need to be fundamentally reshuffle so that the central
authority can synergize with regional authority in the creation of
decentralization. It is indeed tried to be examined by the central
government through a trade that is trying to revise the LAW regarding the
relationship pattern between central and local areas. In the future,
central and local relations can be between Separation of power and Sharing of power. Separation of
power here as well as federal Dinegara-negara,
because later to create full autonomy. It means that the local government
with the community has full authority for policy making until the
implementation level is particularly policy outside the central government
authority. While the Sharing of power is
adjusted to
the scope of sectoral powers of regional circumstances such as widespread
autonomy, limited autonomy and special autonomy.
- The policy
approach should prioritize local decentralization but also the
implementation stage in the area should be aligned. Thus, in the
implementation of decentralization policy should also pay attention to the
characteristics, potentials, and specificity of each region owned
(plurality of local/regional). This means that the context in the region
should be a reference to the central government in creating a policy of
fate and not generalized in general. And the central government should be
open to local policies that are felt urgent rather than impose authority
on the area.
Gaffar, dkk 2009. Otonomi daerah dalam negara kesatuan. Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta.
Prasojo, Eko. 2009. Reformasi Kedua “Melanjutkan Estafet Reformasi”. Salemba Humanika, Jakarta.