30/06/2020 Views : 244
Previously, breast cancer attacks many people with old age, but now breast cancer can also attack young people. Cases of breast tumors that are at risk of becoming cancer are found in women aged 25 years and under (Okezone, 2010). Karma, et al. (in Rianti, et al. 2012: 12) states that young women who have a history of tumors have a 4.37 times more risk of developing breast cancer than those who have no tumor history. Similarly, young women who experience menarche (first menstruation) at the age of <12 years are more likely to develop breast cancer than those who experience menarche at the age of> 12 years. Heredity is only one of the causes of a person can develop breast cancer, busyness on the move and an unhealthy lifestyle are other contributing factors. Most cases of breast cancer occur due to late detection so that the disease is detected when it is advanced stage.
Based on the situation, a service activity was carried out aimed at getting female students to recognize the health of their breasts. Healthy life behavior that can be started from oneself, students must always be responsive and vigilant and can apply the techniques of SADARI (Self Breast Check) and SADANIS (Aware of Clinical Examination) as an early detection of breast cancer risk. According to Yayasan Kanker Indonesia (the Indonesian Cancer Foundation) breast self-examination can be done through three positions namely as follows.
First, the Standing Position in Front of the Mirror.
- Look closely at your breasts in
front of the mirror (without dressing) with both arms straight down. Pay attention if there are lumps and changes in the shape of the
- Raise both arms straight up and
repeat the examination as above.
- Put your hands behind your head,
or put your hands on your hips so that the chest muscles are tense.
- After that pay attention to
whether there are changes in the size or shape of the breasts, is there a
hollow in the skin of the breast, or changes in the shape of the nipple or
nipple to ooze fluid.
Reclining Position.
- Lie with your right hand under your head and place a pillow in the small
under the right back.
- Touch the entire surface of the right breast with your left hand to the
armpit area. Pay attention if there are suspicious lumps.
- Do the same touch to the left breast.
- Touch the breast with three middle fingers pressed together. Make a circular
motion starting from the edge by following the clockwise direction to feel the
presence or absence of a lump. Examine all breasts, underarms and behind the
nipples. Repeat this movement using your left hand to examine the right breast.
the Standing Position in Pancoran Air.
- Raise your right hand above your head.
- The left palm is given soap / foam and use it to examine the breasts as
described in the "lying position".
- Repeat steps similar to the right hand to check the left breast.
Further information also needs to know the general characteristics of
normal and abnormal breast.
1. Normal Breasts.
- Breasts do not change size.
- Both breasts are equal (symmetrical).
- There are no lumps in both breasts.
- Not felt enlarged lymph nodes in the folds of the armpits or neck.
- There is no swelling in the upper arm.
2. Abnormal Breasts.
- Breasts grow abnormally
- One breast hanging lower than usual
- There are hollows or creases in the nipples
- Changes in the appearance of breast nipples
- Liquid comes out like milk or blood from one of the nipples
- There is a lump in the breast
- Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit or neck folds
- There was swelling in the upper arm
The participants of
the service are expected to be aware and motivated to behave in a healthy life
to avoid breast cancer as follows.
1. Having knowledge about health and breast
2. Running a healthy lifestyle and lifestyle
- Eat healthy and regular foods such as fruits,
vegetables, whole grains that are low in fat.
- Avoid consuming alcoholic drinks
- Avoid cigarette smoke
- Maintain mental health
- Maintain weight with a healthy way of life,
because being overweight after menopause increases the risk of breast cancer.
- Perform physical activity or exercise regularly
- Breastfeeding children with their own milk (ASI)
for those who have given birth.
3. Perform breast examination with SADARI and SADANI
- Check your own breasts (aware) can be done alone
regularly, once a month with the same period for those who start at the age of
20 years.
- Sadani, which is aware of the clinical
examination. It is recommended for women over the age of 40 to be aware and
willing to carry out an examination or clinical trial by visiting a health
professional once a year.