Tourism Women Education in Bali

Funding period : 2019- Active


Tourism Women Education in Bali

Dr. PUTU SUCITA YANTHY, S, post-doctorante

Dr Pickel-Chevalier Sylvine, Maître de conférences HDR de Géographie, ESTHUA Tourisme et Culture, Université d’Angers, UMR CNRS 6590 Espaces et Sociétés

The Project Objective

 The objective of the project is to question the capacity of tourism education to favor an emancipation and empowerment of women in Bali.

 Methodology of research:

Our epistemological position is structuralist constructivism .We intend to answer our problematic, by the association of qualitative and quantitative approaches, collecting and analyzing complementary datas:

1.      We have begun by providing a review of international literature, including statistical analysis, as required to understand the situation of women in the tradition Balinese society and their recent evolution;

2.      We have analyzed the statistical data about the evolution for the last 10 years, of the number and profiles of women student in tourism education, from Bachelor to Phd level, in UDayana University and Bali State Polytechni ;

We give then priority to qualitative approach, interviewing 30 ex-students females graduated from Udayana University or Bali state Polytechnic (15 from each) at the three level.


Result :

The post-doctoral study is still in process (2019-2021), but allow us to bring already important highlights about :

  1. The evolution of the women access to tourism higher education in both institutions (statistic analyze) :

Both institution show the increase of the women access to tourism higher education, in the last ten year, tending to a nowadays equality with men (49% in both institution).

The initial motivation, the current self-satisfaction, and the social and societal position of the women graduated for tourism higher education (qualitative analyze) :

a)      The initial motivation of Balinese women to choose tourism majors is influenced by external and internal motivation.

b)      The educational background of Balinese women by choosing tourism majors all state that their education and employment is very well connected.

c)      The informants stated that their job satisfaction are various and depends on several factors. First, they are influenced by the work environment so they enjoyed their work.

Second they depend on the existence of a balance between family and work. Balinese women who work, while trying to balance their roles in the family, in their work and their religious/traditional activities certainly do not escape the conflict of family work.