Land Suitability For Rice Field And Conservation Planning in Ho Watershed, Tabanan Regency, Bali Province, Indonesia

Funding period : - Deactivate


This study aims to determine the actual extent of land use in the Ho watershed, to determine the suitability of paddy fields and their limiting factors and provide direction for land use in the Ho watershed of Tabanan Regency. Land characteristics as a determinant of land suitability observed include: annual mean temperature, water availability; rooting media; availability of oxygen; nutrient retention, CEC, BS, pH, and organic matter; nutrients available; erosion; flood hazard; land preparation. Land suitability assessment is done by matching the quality of the land with the requirements for growing rice. The results showed that the actual land suitability for rice field was classified as not suitable (N) and marginal suitable (S3) with limiting factors: erosion hazard (slope and erosion hazard) and nutrient availability (P-available). Potential land suitability for rice field is classified as very suitable (S1) to marginal suitable (S3) with temperature limiting factors and erosion (slope) hazards. Efforts to improve must be done by adding P fertilizer to areas classified as very low soil Potasium content and maintenance of terraces, especially rice fields with a slope of> 8% to overcome/prevent erosion and landslides.