Collaborative Governance in Tourism Development Policy in Gianyar District (Case Study on Thematic Garden Tourism Object)

Funding period : - Active


            Tourism is an important sector in supporting development in every autonomous region. Almost all regions try to develop the tourism sector based on their potential or develop new tourism. Gianyar Regency is one of the regions that seeks to develop the tourism sector into a leading sector. So far the Gianyar tourism sector has been unable to compete with other regions, especially in southern Bali.

         One tourism destination that was developed was the Thematic Botanical Garden in Kerta Village, Payangan District, Gianyar. The land used in the construction of the botanical garden is a customary forest covering an area of 10 hectares so that it can synergize with the village in raising the potential of the village and improving the welfare of the surrounding community (Tempo, 2016).

        The implementation of development in the regional scope is no longer a local government domain one hundred percent, it takes a collaboration with various actors or stakeholders. This is in line with the Governance paradigm in the science of state administration which is to encourage part of the government's role to other groups so as to build synergy in good governance. The development has taken place in the governance concept, namely collaborative governance, which means that public institutions or parties concerned in the planning and objectives of a policy or program must be involved in a consensus in the formulation and participation in implementing the policy. Then the results of policy and program are shared responsibility, no longer the government that must be responsible (Hadna, 2016). The concept is in line with the development policy of the Thematic Botanical Garden of Gianyar Regency, which involves various stakeholders, including the traditional village (parikrama) in the village of Kerta, Payangan District.